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Saturday, January 29, 2011
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'Autoresponders For Business' E-Course with PLR Resell Rights!
The 'Autoresponders For Business' E-Course is now available with PLR Resell Rights... Includes the e-course, squeeze page, confirmation paqe, salespage, download page and PSD graphics, all with PLR and still under ten bucks for the whole bundle... Details are at http://www.optin-list-building.com/autoresponders/index.html ( This is one of 20 e-courses available from http://www.optin-list-building.com - See you there!)
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Subscribers How To Use
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See more at www.optin-list-building.com
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Friday, January 28, 2011
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How Focused Is YOUR Internet Marketing?
How Focused Is YOUR Internet Marketing?
By Doug Champigny
If you've been struggling to make a decent income online, take a moment to review your Internet marketing activities and see how you measure up in terms of staying focused on building your Internet marketing empire...
Do you stick to ONE project and see it through to completion before starting the next, or leave products and sites half-finished?
Do you decide what your followup product or recommended service will be before launching a product, or just do everything as a one-off?
Do you plan out your day, week and/or month to be sure you get your products uploaded, e-mails out, articles submitted, social media marketing done, etc, or just go about it all haphazardly?
Do you have specific short-term goals pegged and step-by-step plans as to how you'll achieve or exceed those goals, or just continue along without any firm plan?
Do you specialize in any one area or niche or do Internet marketing, affiliate marketing and niche marketing based more on what you see at any given time versus any personal map?
Do you stick to one project at a time or fall victim to 'multi-tasking'? Always keep in mind that multi-tasking is another word for unfocused - and studies have shown that every time you interrupt your current activity you're up to 40% less efficient when you return to it.
Do you track your marketing results and fine-tune your promotional efforts to maximize your results, or just keep repeating the same steps over and over?
When you download a new Master Resell Rights product, do you start on it at once, ignoring what you had been working on, or download it to a 'to-do' folder and go on with your existing project? Don't let each new download detract from your work-in-progress!
Right now, look down at your physical workspace - do you have a pen and pad sitting there to write down any inspirations that come along as you're working? Try to just make a mental note of inspirations and you'll forget half of your best ideas. By writing them down immediately you also free up your mind to stay on your current project, secure in the knowledge that your new idea will be waiting when this job is done.
Is your regular work area conducive to staying at it, or do you set up where you can also watch TV at the same time? Do you schedule your work periods so you won't be disturbed, or have to stop every few minutes to deal with kids, spouse, pets, etc.?
Have you chosen one or two mentors whose advice you'll follow, or are you hop-scotching about trying to use 10 or 20 different paths at once? There are many paths to Internet marketing success, but trying bits and pieces from a number of them is a road to ruin - pick one or two paths and stay with them til you're successful online, THEN consider trying other ideas as well.
Successful online marketing isn't rocket science. There are tried and true paths to follow to the top, and marketing online is better documented than any other industry or business in the world. Stop looking for some magic formula or magic bullet to get there - roll up your sleeves, plan out your steps and stay the course... The more your Internet marketing efforts and activities stay focused on the task at hand at any given point, the farther you'll go online and the sooner you'll get there.
Doug Champigny is a well-known Internet marketing coach, mentor and speaker. To learn more about him, inquire about his mentoring or book him to speak at your next event, contact Doug through http://DougChampigny.com. For more helpful Internet marketing information from Doug, follow him on Facebook at http://facebook.com/doug.champigny
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Doug_Champigny
Labels: focus, Internet marketing, Internet marketing success, marketing, marketing online, online marketing
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New Blog Post - How To Have Fun Making Money Online...
New Internet Marketing Blog Post: How to have fun making money online! Applies to seniors, students, anybody... http://dougchampigny.com/how-to-have-fun-making-money-online/
How To Have Fun Making Money Online…
Read more at dougchampigny.comMaking money online is a dream of millions of would-be entrepreneurs worldwide, from those looking to making a living online to those just looking for a bit of help with the monthly budget. And for those of us with an extreme ‘Type A’ personality, Internet marketing is our way of having fun making money online. Even if I were richer than Bill Gates, Warren Buffet and Donald Trump combined, I’d still be wheeling and dealing online – yes, I’m addicted to the fun, fame, intensity & excitement of it all after making a living online for about 15 years now…
But that’s only true of a tiny percentage of people – most would see the ‘fun’ as ‘work’, the ‘fame’ as ‘intrusive’, the ‘intensity’ as ‘overwork’ and the ‘excitement’ as ‘Future Shock’… So how should most people seek to have fun making money online?
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Thursday, January 27, 2011
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Monday, January 24, 2011
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