New E-Book, More Gifts!
"It was the best of times. It was the worst of times."
Was at it til after 7am today getting my new e-book
ready for you, then was back up at 11am to get this out
to you. We lost power twice yesterday as the storm
raged, and today all our beautiful green is covered in
ice and snow - ugh! It's 17F (-8C) out there - 17 is
supposed to be a magazine, not a temperature for
polite company... Hate winter - and who knew there
even WAS an eleven BEFORE noon too? Sheesh!
When'd they slip that in?
Normally I would have taken another day or so
to put the site together (there's still no homepage
and not mentioned the e-book til tomorrow or
Thursday, butI had promised my buddy Mike Steup
I'd have it ready for his 10 Days of Winter Giveaway
that starts today -in fact it JUST launched...
And THAT's why I'm in a good mood in spite of all
this winter and morning nonsense - I actually look
forward to Mike's event each winter. Mike is a great
kid (even if he IS still wet behind the ears ;) ) & his
by-invitation-only event each year is always top-notch,
second only to our FreePLR event. Mike hand-picks
the partners to ensure he gets the very best gifts
for people.
You'll see regular parts of our gang like Liz Tomey,
Jeff Dedrick, Edmund Loh & Louis Burleson,
plus somenew faces like Jason James and Eric
Rockefeller. Come to think of it, the young fella's
done a heck of a job this year, covering just about
every significant Internet Marketing author in this
small group - only 12 of us in total. After all, each of
us is someone who's stuff you'd be wise to buy, and
he's got us for you for no outlay whatsoever... Suddenly
I feel cheap... ;-)
Anyway, go get your gifts... Unlike the big events
in December, there's no fluff here - it's all good!
As for me, I'm going back into hibernation til sometime
way AFTERnoon... See ya then!
Helping you succeed in 2007 and beyond...
Doug Champigny,
Welland, ON, Canada
PS - When you're finished at Mike's, be
sure you have this week's bundle from
To your success... DC.
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