Thursday, March 19, 2009

PLR Sales Events From Edmund Loh and Wes Blaylock

Edmund Loh's PLR Sale for the Kickstart Your Coaching bundle with private label rights ends today at midnight, while Wes Blaylock's new PLR sale for his Internet Marketing bundle with private label rights just launched this morning.

Use the links above to access either one individually, or for more information on these PLR sales events and how to get private label rights to these two new bundles, see the postng on the Internet Marketing with Doug Champigny Blog.

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Tuesday, March 17, 2009

New Multimedia PLR Bundle From Edmundl Loh

News Item: Edmund Loh Releases New Multimedia PLR - Kickstart Your Coaching Program Bundle.

A long time ago in a galaxy far away, when Teri & I started online, there were no coaches or mentors - we were all pioneers. OK, it was in Toronto in 1996.

But the important thing is now you can shorten the learning curve and really get going much quicker online than we did, because now some of us have the experience to be effective coaches and mentors. So don't just put this new PLR bundle online - read it too, then get a coach who'll help you get farther, faster.

Start with your download, or read more about the Kick Start Your Coaching Program PLR bundle from Edmund Loh.

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