Friday, May 04, 2007

Start Making Money Online Now!

Wow - It's Friday again - where the heck did the week
go? Sure hope the weekend lasts a lot longer... :) AND I
hope it's a great weekend for you too - time with family
and friends, major advances for your online biz... Remember,
it's up to you what goes on this weekend, so take control
of it and use it to your greatest advantage!

First up, a quick reminder that today is the last day
you can download the Squeeze Page system and the training
videos that teach you how to build your own websites - both
will be replaced on Saturday morning. Oh, you'll still be
able to get them from our other sites, but at $27 each, not
seven bucks for the pair - to get them for that, you need
to download them today from:

Speaking of taking control of your weekend and your
biz, have you gotten your biz online yet? Are you
building your list? Moving forward with your dreams,
or just reading about it and letting the time just
slide on by? Paralyzed by not knowing what to do, or
where to start?

The best answer I've ever heard came from one of the
net's first millionaires, Shawn Casey. He advocates a
simple solution if you don't know where to start - go
ahead and make one dollar online. Yup, one dollar. He's
not being flippant, either - when you make that first
dollar, your confidence will skyrocket and your view of
it all will change. After all, if you can do it once,
you can do it over and over - and for bigger amounts.
Trying to make a buck isn't intimidating - trying to
make a million, or even a living, is if you haven't
done anything yet.

But far more important, you'll have DONE something.
You'll have taken action, action that brought direct
results and that you can be proud of. We all know the
old adage that every journey starts with just one step;
the same holds true here. I'll even give you one way
to get started...

Here's How To Get Started THIS Weekend!

Helping you succeed in 2007 and beyond...

Doug Champigny
Author - Becoming A Resale Magnate


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Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Resell These PLR Niche Reports!

Internet marketers, niche marketers, article marketers and affiliate marketers will all love this new site that just launched - and I'm thrilled to be the first one to bring it to you...

By now, you've most likely come to realize you HAVE to be operating in niches to get into the big bucks online. While you'd have to break their arms or kidnap their firstborn to get most gurus to discuss the details of which niches they're in, almost every one of us have a number of niche sites and many derive far more from the niches than from so-called 'mainstream' sites.

(But boy, what egos we have! We call our industry mainstream, but fields with a thousand times bigger audiences (Weddings, Sports, Kids, Hobbies, etc) we call 'niches' - go figure!) ;)

Once you're at a certain level, niche sites are easy - choose your niches, choose your topics from your keyword research, and have your ghostwriter put together an e-book and a few dozen articles - violla, your next niche site! And if it's an AdSense site, you just need the articles and XSitePro and you're off to the races. Some of the top AdSense earners you've heard about have hundreds of sites, all done this way...

I say 'Once you're at a certain level...' because it's quick and easy to do it that way, if you can dish out the 500 bucks a site to have the materials all created for you, and can wait the year or two to make that back from it. But what about the 98% who can't? Where do they get their niche materials, and how much does it set them back?

What if I told you there was a new resource available, just launching now, where you could get fresh, well written new reports in various niches, with salespages already designed for them? And what if I told you you get PLR rights to those reports, so you can change them at will, put your name on them, add your own affiliate links, etc.?

Our 2006 Affiliate of the Year, Mike Steup, has just set up a new site, so new we're the first to present it to the world other than Mike himself. Each month, the site will provide 3 new reports, with salespages, freshly researched and written just for users of the site, each in a different niche. Certainly would make going after all those niche bucks a lot simpler, wouldn't it?

OK, so you know it's a great idea, and you know you need fresh niche content every month, and you know you need some products to offer to those niches so they'll open up their wallets for you, right? Well, here comes the best part... Remember I said this was just launching? For the first 100 people to get into the site, you'll lock in your outlay for the reports at 19.97 a month - that's less than seven bucks a report! The only place to get PLR rights for less is our FreePLR giveaway, and that site's only open 4 weeks a year - and you can't sustain your online biz activities at that rate!

Be smart about it - if you can manage to have all your niche products created exclusively for you, go that route. If not, grab the next best thing from Mike's site.

Helping you succeed in 2007 and beyond...

Doug Champigny
Doug's Internet Marketing Blog

PS - Look closely when you read the page - there's one more BIG point... You even get the right to offer the PLR rights to YOUR people too! So you get your choice of offering the report or the report with resell rights, master resell rights or PLR rights. Or use the report, with the master rights as the OTO - then backend the PLR or branding rights to them - 3 ways to make out from each of the reports each month... For less than 7 bucks each... Gotta talk to that boy... ;) Anyway, grab your PLR Reports then go have some fun...

PPS - And if you're an article marketer or affiliate marketer, once you get into the site, sign up for the affiliate program and then work your magic - start up a residual income stream referring new members to this great new Niche Reports site by telling people about the transferrable private label rights!

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Monday, April 30, 2007

Download Your IM Gifts Here...

I've been blogging about these gifts for a while now, and it's
finally time - you can go get your gifts from
Mike Mazzella's Lightning Giveaway!

There's 25 brand new, never-before-seen gifts waiting for
you there today...

You can tell the quality of the gifts by the names of
the people giving them to you - names you know like
Jason James, Denise Hall, Mike Steup, Xavier Nelson,
Mike Mazzella, Tuks & Kez Engineer, Larry Dotson,
Joel Osborne, James Jackson, Richard Wing, Gina
Gaudio-Graves, Aurelius Tjin, Rick Macaulay
and about
a dozen more... Don't miss the chance to learn from the
best & brightest in the biz - go peruse the gifts and
grab the ones you want...

Helping you succeed in 2007 and beyond...

Doug Champigny

PS - As you know, we're really picky about which of the
giveaways we particpate in - if we're going to go to all
the trouble of creating a new product and then just give
it away, we don't want it mixed in with a bunch of garbage;
that just drops the reputation of the products and the
partners. So you know Mike & David have done a great job
here bringing together the best and forcing us to use new
products only. It's the best one since FreePLR - don't
miss out on getting your gifts now! So go and
Get Your Free Internet Marketing Gifts Here...

To your success... DC.

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