Start Making Money Online Now!
go? Sure hope the weekend lasts a lot longer... :) AND I
hope it's a great weekend for you too - time with family
and friends, major advances for your online biz... Remember,
it's up to you what goes on this weekend, so take control
of it and use it to your greatest advantage!
First up, a quick reminder that today is the last day
you can download the Squeeze Page system and the training
videos that teach you how to build your own websites - both
will be replaced on Saturday morning. Oh, you'll still be
able to get them from our other sites, but at $27 each, not
seven bucks for the pair - to get them for that, you need
to download them today from:
Speaking of taking control of your weekend and your
biz, have you gotten your biz online yet? Are you
building your list? Moving forward with your dreams,
or just reading about it and letting the time just
slide on by? Paralyzed by not knowing what to do, or
where to start?
The best answer I've ever heard came from one of the
net's first millionaires, Shawn Casey. He advocates a
simple solution if you don't know where to start - go
ahead and make one dollar online. Yup, one dollar. He's
not being flippant, either - when you make that first
dollar, your confidence will skyrocket and your view of
it all will change. After all, if you can do it once,
you can do it over and over - and for bigger amounts.
Trying to make a buck isn't intimidating - trying to
make a million, or even a living, is if you haven't
done anything yet.
But far more important, you'll have DONE something.
You'll have taken action, action that brought direct
results and that you can be proud of. We all know the
old adage that every journey starts with just one step;
the same holds true here. I'll even give you one way
to get started...
Here's How To Get Started THIS Weekend!
Helping you succeed in 2007 and beyond...
Doug Champigny
Author - Becoming A Resale Magnate
Labels: Internet marketing, making money online, niche marketing
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