Saturday, April 16, 2005

Forgot the link...

Welcome Back!

How's it going today? It just keeps getting nicer
here in Welland, with the past 4 days being in the
50's and 60's, sunny each day, and predictions we'll
hit the 70's by Tuesday and Wednesday - about time!

I have to start with an apology today, both to
you and the other readers and to Scott. In the last
note I sent you, I mentioned that Scott has had
major spinal problems, is unable to work, has heavy
medical bills and a family to support. But somehow
the link never made it to the issue, even though it
showed up on the blog.

As a personal favor to me, would you please take a
look at all the stuff he's crammed onto one CD, and if
it's of use to you - PLEASE get your copy & help
both yourself and Scott.

Thanks! Now let me do you a favor! The big giveaway
at the List Machine ends this weekend, so if you read this
in time - get in there and grab all the goodies you want.

If not, I'll still let you have the free 1-year Silver
membership to SureFireWealth... On their site you'll
see that the Silver option is $97 for a year, but I can
get you in for free... Just use this link, and then enter
the code "Doug's Friend" on the signup page where
they ask for the special code.

Remember, though, there's a ton of other stuff there
too if you get to the List Machine before it's too late:

Now, hang on - don't just keep reading - go get your
freebies now! This note will still be here when you're
done, but the giveaway might not be, depending on
when you got this. So do it NOW, then finish reading
this. Stop missing out!

One final note - as much as I love writing these notes
to you, and answering your questions when you write in,
one thing really troubles me...

Somehow through all of our time together I haven't
sufficiently impressed upon you the need to have
your own list.

I say this because of the number of you that write in,
and through our conversations it comes up that you haven't
yet started your own list. I can not stress it enough - you
will not make money without one - no real money, anyway.

Sites like the List Machine are great for giving you a place
to start, but you really MUST get your own list started,
and start building a relationship with your readers.

Here's what I'll do this weekend - have you got $28?
Go to & book a domain name, then go to A1
and get hosting & an autoresponder in one account. Then
e-mail me with the info & I'll GIVE you a copy of JimmyD.
Brown's e-course, Making Offers - Making Money.

You can load it up and start your list with people who
want to take the e-course, just like we do at

Now the rights to this course are normally $19.97, so
you can think of it as buying the rights for that, and getting
your hosting and autoresponder for nothing for the first month.

So even if you have a site, it's still a greal deal and a way
to start or add to your list! And yes, you do also get the
rights to resell the e-course, like we do here:

By the way, if you haven't taken the free 6-day e-course
yet, it's certainly worth the time to read it!

So get to, then head on over to
and then send me an e-mail with the details - for less
than $30 you can have your list started within the
next few hours! And take the time to read through the list
building info in the archives here on our blog - it's coming
off here soon to be bundled into an e-book we'll be selling,
so review the material while it's still free.

All the best,

Doug Champigny
Welland, ON, Canada

PS - Remember, the free e-course & rights are only for
those getting their hosting & autoresponder account at A1,
so don't hesitate:

Enjoy... DC.

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Thursday, April 14, 2005

Hosting Your Free Resell Rights Products...

Welcome Back!

How's it going today? Did you get over to the gigantic
giveaway at the List Machine? Remember it's over by Sunday!

If you did get there, hopefully you stopped by my page
and got your free branding rights, the SureFireWealth
Silver membership, your free ISOResources membership
and the AxGold Software collection. These are all quite
valuable resources for anyone trying to make money online.

One of the questions people have written in with is
about where they should be hosting some of the great
resell rights products they got from me there. Depending
on your situation, I can recommend 2.

If you're putting them up as your first site and want
to keep costs down, use A1 - you get your hosting & pro
autoresponders together in one package for $20/mnth.
With the cheap domain names from, you
can get your domain name and site online for under $30
in total initial outlay.

If you're looking to use this as the start of your
Internet marketing biz, you might want to use H4P
instead. Why? There are a number of reasons - to
start with, it qualifies you for the PlugInProfits site, so
you can start promoting 5 major affiliate programs
from a professionally designed site, which you get free
once you book your hosting at H4P. Second, hosting for
additional accounts is then just $5/month.

And third, using H4P gives you free access to the most
powerful Internet Marketing tool online - the Warriors
forum. More major deals are done there, more
discounts offered, etc, than anywhere else online.
To make sure you get all the benefits, including the
PiP site, use this:

If you just want to use their State-of-the-Art
hosting, use this instead:

Remember that the Google 'Sandbox effect' keeps
most new sites out of the top listings for up to
4 months, so now is the time to act if you want it
going strong by Semptember's start to the big
Fall season!

If you're already using one of these two, give some
consideration to using the other as well, whether for
these products or other stuff you want online. Some
engines, including Google, seem to value links between
sites on separate servers more highly that they do on
those hosted at the same place - what they refer to as
being on the same 'sub-net mask'.

Teri & I use a few different hosts for three reasons -
the one just given, the differing features each offers,
and because when a server goes down, even for regular
maintenance, only some of our biz is affected - not all!

So check both of these out and decide which is better
for you needs and your available budget:

All the best,

Doug Champigny

Welland, ON, Canada.

PS - Can you lend a hand? One of your
bretheren in our online 'family' is no longer able
to work, has huge medical bills above and beyond
his insurance, and a family to feed.

Take a look at the CD he's put together, and if
you can use it, PLEASE get it from him, ok?

(That's not an affiliate link - there IS no affiliate
program for this. Just trying to help...)

Thanks... DC.

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Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Major Free Opt-In List-Building Opportunity!


Hope you're doing just great today, Friend! If it

didn't start off as a great day that will change
by the time you're finished this post...

I was going to go on with JV info today, but that
can wait til later this week. Right now you have a
great opportunity to advance your opt-in list efforts
and get some great free products while you're at it!

Have you signed up at The List Machine yet?

If so, log in now. On the members' home page you'll
see a new section at the top for the Massive Giveaway.
Follow that link and you'll see a ton of resell rights
products you can get for free - but only til Sunday.

After that, they're gone.

If you haven't yet joined the List Machine, do it now.

Then, as above, go to the Giveaway & collect your free
goodies. Grab as many or as few as you like... Just remember
they're available for this week only.

So, how is this a great week to build your opt-in list?

When else can you offer people about $1,400 in free gifts
just for joining your list, or any other free program?

Simply go to the link for the affiliate info once
you've finished getting your goodies, and copy down
your List machine link. It'll look like this:

or something very similar. For at least this one week,
use that in your signature file for every e-mail you
send - make it something like:

All the best,

Your Name,
your e-mail.
PS - Get in on a great list-building tool and collect

a fortune in free tools, this week only! Details at:

If you frequent the forums, use it there too - in short,
spend just this one week pushing that, letting people know
how much they can benefit just by signing on before Sunday.

And don't forget to add it to your blog. Now don't you be
telling me you don't have a blog yet. ;) After all we've been
through together, you should definitely have your blog together
by now. After all, I showed you in Becoming A Super Blogger
( ) how to set it up in under
3 hours using all free resources, right?

And speaking of which, you ARE giving it away with
that lead capture page I gave you, right? So remember to
e-mail those folks and let them know about it too. Why?

Partly because you want them to get the free resources,
right? After all, just the package I'm giving away there
is worth over $290 - make sure you get that one, it keeps
on giving all year long!

But also remember how the List Machine works.
You refer 10 people, they throw in another 100 for you.
You send 25 people, they give you another 275, etc, all
the way up to 500 - if, over time, you could refer 500,
they'd add in another 7500! And remember, this doesn't
include those above or below you in your double matrix.

So for this week, set a simple goal for yourself. Try
to get 10 people to join the machine, and remind them
to let people know about the giveaway too, ok? Add that 10,
and you've got 110 you can e-mail. And if they average
only five ('cause they're not as good as you!;)) that's
another fifty in your matrix - now you've got 160 to send
to, and this is still just one week. Get to that point
and your matrix will grow, even if you have trouble
getting any more...

By the way, there are only 4 copies of the Secrets
of the Super Bloggers bundle left before the price increase -
if you've been considering it, no need to wait til the price
jumps - grab one of these 4 before they're gone too!

See you in the forums at the List Machine!
Have a super week, Friend!

All the best,

Doug Champigny,
Welland, ON, Canada.

PS - Remember, be sure to check out the package I'm
offering as part of the giveaway at the List Machine.
It's all new stuff I've never just given away before...

Enjoy! - DC

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Sunday, April 10, 2005

Free Internet Marketing Goodies...

Welcome Back!

Just a quick one today... Have you joined
The List Machine yet?

If so, get back on over there this week and log in to your account;
on the members' home page you'll see a new link to their FREE
Log In Now.

If you haven't yet joined
The List Machine, do so now. You'll get
instant access for free, and can then click through to the free giveaway.

You should already be a member anyway - I've never seen a faster
way to build an opt-in mailing list to send your messages to! Between
it's double-matrix and bonus referrals, this should be a paid membership
site - but it's free. So get over there before Gary & Jennifer come to
their senses and start charging new signups a membership fee!

And make sure you visit the forum there as well. There's more info there
for newbie Internet marketers and affiliate marketers than I've seen
anywhere else!
The List Machine is definitely a must-have resource!

But hurry - the extra $1,000 value provided by the giveaway is
only available from today, Sunday April 10th til Sunday April 17th -

Don't say I didn't warn you...

All the best,

Doug Champigny,
Welland, ON, Canada.

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