Getting Ready for Fathers' Day...
Welcome Back!
How are you doing today? Hope the week's gone really
well, and that you're 7 days closer to your goals!
OK, to start with a huge Happy Fathers' Day to any Dads,
step-dads, surrogate dads, expectant dads, and any one
else who gives of their time to provide that significant male
role model to ANY younger person - your contribution is very
significant and pays off in ways you may never see, but be
assured it does play a vital role in the entire life of the
people involved.
Teri & I also want to heap additional praise on the single moms
& single dads who must be both parents at once - you are their
sole support system both physically and emotionally, and the
noble sacrifices you make daily are often hidden or overlooked -
but please know that we understand and appreciate your efforts
that not only benefit your children, but society as a whole. Keep up
the great work - it IS definitely worth it.
In relation to the above, please remember you can send out
free e-cards for Fathers' Day or any other holiday from
our online cardshop at
Whether you live with your parents, see them regularly, or
especially if you haven't spoken in some time, take a moment
& send Dad a card - the little touches are often the most
appreciated. And if things have been a little rocky between
you lately, it can be a great olive branch to help start the
healing process.
Teri & I will be travelling all weekend, to Colborne to see
Teri's Dad tomorrow, then to Barrie to see my Dad on Sunday.
We're lucky, Teri & I - we're each blessed with a great father, and
still have them with us in their mid-seventies. May they both stay
happy and healthy for many years to come!
If your Dad isn't with us anymore, do you know an older
gentleman in your neighbourhood, congregation, club, etc?
One who doesn't have family, or never hears from them?
If so, why not 'adopt' him for the day and invite him to dinner?
I've never met an older person who didn't have some neat
stories to tell, and it just might lead to a new friend in your life!
If all else fails, give Mom a call & take her out for Fathers' Day.
If your Dad isn't around or isn't available to you, obviously Mom
has been doing double-duty; show her just how much you
appreciate that!
Have a super weekend - surrounded by the people you love.
And take time to really and truly enjoy all of the bounty the
universe has given us all! We can get back to the stress,
marketing & business worries next week. For now, Enjoy!
All the best,
Doug Champigny
Welland, ON, Canada
Enjoy! -DC
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