Friday, June 17, 2005

Getting Ready for Fathers' Day...


Welcome Back!

How are you doing today? Hope the week's gone really
well, and that you're 7 days closer to your goals!

OK, to start with a huge Happy Fathers' Day to any Dads,

step-dads, surrogate dads, expectant dads, and any one
else who gives of their time to provide that significant male
role model to ANY younger person - your contribution is very
significant and pays off in ways you may never see, but be
assured it does play a vital role in the entire life of the
people involved.

Teri & I also want to heap additional praise on the single moms
& single dads who must be both parents at once - you are their
sole support system both physically and emotionally, and the
noble sacrifices you make daily are often hidden or overlooked -
but please know that we understand and appreciate your efforts
that not only benefit your children, but society as a whole. Keep up
the great work - it IS definitely worth it.

In relation to the above, please remember you can send out
free e-cards for Fathers' Day or any other holiday from
our online cardshop at

Whether you live with your parents, see them regularly, or
especially if you haven't spoken in some time, take a moment
& send Dad a card - the little touches are often the most
appreciated. And if things have been a little rocky between
you lately, it can be a great olive branch to help start the
healing process.

Teri & I will be travelling all weekend, to Colborne to see
Teri's Dad tomorrow, then to Barrie to see my Dad on Sunday.
We're lucky, Teri & I - we're each blessed with a great father, and
still have them with us in their mid-seventies. May they both stay
happy and healthy for many years to come!

If your Dad isn't with us anymore, do you know an older
gentleman in your neighbourhood, congregation, club, etc?
One who doesn't have family, or never hears from them?
If so, why not 'adopt' him for the day and invite him to dinner?
I've never met an older person who didn't have some neat
stories to tell, and it just might lead to a new friend in your life!

If all else fails, give Mom a call & take her out for Fathers' Day.
If your Dad isn't around or isn't available to you, obviously Mom
has been doing double-duty; show her just how much you
appreciate that!

Have a super weekend - surrounded by the people you love.
And take time to really and truly enjoy all of the bounty the
universe has given us all! We can get back to the stress,
marketing & business worries next week. For now, Enjoy!

All the best,

Doug Champigny
Welland, ON, Canada

Enjoy! -DC


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Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Gifts From The Valley of Internet Marketing Giants


Welcome Back!

How are you doing today? Hope everything's going as
well for you as it is for Teri & I - heck, even better!
Today I have the first of those two biggies I was
mentioning recently...

As I said above, this comes to you from the Valley of the
Giants - the Internet Marketing Giants, that is. You
see, we've teamed up with 9 other uber-successful online
Giants to bring you a ton of great stuff - at no cost to you!

Many of you already know Teri & I get joint venture offers
pretty much every day, and that we're very picky - we only
choose to join about one every couple of months. Why? Because
we want to make sure everyone is putting up strong material,
something that really is of benefit to you and our other

So who are these Internet Marketing Giants? How about
Michael Nicholas (from 123 WysiWyg), Patric Chan
(from Selling Online Secrets), John Delavera (from
TurboZine), Gary Ambrose (from The List Machine),
Gary Huynh (from Viral List Builder), Liz Tomey
(from Tomey Marketing), Jennifer Ambrose (from
Home Office Digest), Rod Hammer (from 7 Days To
Freedom), Cody Moya (from Instant Software Builder)
and Teri & I (from every second site you visit! ;) ).

Now, I didn't put this one together - Teri & I are just
partners in this one. But don't worry, it's being run by
Mike Steup, one of the brightest & hottest young pros
in the biz. You should remember Mike from his JV Buddy
software, or from his participation in our annual event at

What do you get from the 10 Days of Summer? Over $1,600
in gifts - all for joining some opt-in lists. The neatest part of it
all? These are all lists you want to be on anyway - lists that
Teri & I are already on because of their content. Even those
of us that do this for a living are on a lot of other lists - it's the
only way to keep up with what's going on online!

Here's what you do - hit and
enter your info. The site's live now, and the event starts on
June 21st. By getting on the advance list now, you'll be notified
when each item is available - one item is added each day from the
21st to the 30th, and by pre-registering you're sure to get everything!

Now don't just read on - take 2 minutes and hit
The 10 Days of Summer now...

OK - if you're on that list, you're sure to get the best
gifts available anywhere this summer! If you only hit
one event this summer, make it this one.

Have a super few days, and I'll talk to you soon!

All the best,

Doug Champigny,
Welland, ON, Canada

PS - There's still time to get in on the List Machine giveaway as well:
The List Machine Giveaway

PPS - Once you're finished with those two, here's a free report
you really should read, from fellow Ontarian Jason Potash.
Find out how to protect your online income:

Read it online:

Download it to read offline:

Enjoy! -DC.


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Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Niche Marketing & Jimmy D. Brown...


Welcome Back!

How is everything today? Well, Teri & I survived the Rose Festival
here in Welland this weekend - a CCR clone band on Friday, 3 bands
including David Wilcox on Sat., and a Beatles clone ban on Sunday
all went without a hitch - but we both got sunburned at the parade. :<0
First time we've seen the UV Index hit 10 in Canada... Have a couple
of things for you today. First up is a new audio & PDF transcript
from one of our favorites - Jimmy D. Brown.

Called Niche Pay Raise, it's an audio from Jimmy &
Ryan Deiss and comes with the transcript in PDF format
and full resell rights. If you've ever read any of Jimmy's
releases, you know he always overdelivers - and this is no
exception. You probably already know he's a master of
Internet marketing, and of niche marketing in particular.
So when he and his partner in release a product
on how to make more money from niches, you know it's a must
have! Rather than go on about it here, all the info you want is at:

Like all of Jimmy's stuff, I printed it out and read it before
even putting it on the site, and he really has done it again -
this time he shows you how to make more from the niches
you're already in, never mind the new ones you'll find as time
goes on... Teri's got some interesting stuff coming up for you
on niches and niche marketing, so start off on the right foot
by picking this one up today!


Hey friend - question for you... If you and everybody else on our lists
and reading our blog are looking to make money online, how is it that
only about 250 of our 8,000 readers have gone to The List Machine
so far? It's the most powerful list-building resource we've found
online and it's free... Plus right now they have a giveaway on with
great stuff available to members.

So do me a favour, will you friend? Let everyone you know on our lists
know how important list building is to their online attempts, and the
great results you've gotten from it so far. Remind them that no one
can complain about their online results if they're not constantly
building their lists, and that EVERY free tool needs to be part
of their solution...

Thanks - just direct them to


As you probably know, there are a bunch of giveaways coming up,
where you can get free products - most of them with resell rights.
While some of the products will be the same rehashed products
that have been circulating for years, many will be fairly new,
allowing you to make some money from them if you act quickly

With most resell rights products you get a ready-made web page

to use, so there are only a couple of things you need to do to start
using them online...

Edit The Web Pages:
You'll need to put your autoresponder form on the page, and
your download link on the ThankYou page. If you don't know
how to edit HTML this can seem like a major problem, but a
new easy-to-use editor called 123Wysiwyg makes it a snap.

Unlike most design programs, 123 is very easy to learn - it uses
the familiar Windows commands and looks and feels a lot like Word
or Wordpad. Not only does it have a very short learning curve,
but it doesn't put in a lot of the unnecesary code that the big design
packages stick in - which is a lot better for your SEO efforts...

You probably already have some resell rights products
on your machine right now, right? So try 123WysiWyg
on those pages and see what you think!

Check It Out Here

That leaves us with the second requirement:
Hosting Your Web Pages:
Web Pages for resell rights products don't usually take much
room, but it's expensive to put up a bunch of sites - or at least
it was 'til now. Here's a plan that will let you put up up to 5 sites,
plus give you unlimited autoresponders to support them,
all for under $20/month.
The Ultimate Marketing Center

There you have it - the two resources you need to take
advantage of the resell rights products, or any web pages
you want to build and put online! Don't go through any more
events picking everything up for free - then doing nothing
with them. Act on what you get right away - moving
from the sidelines and becoming a player is now simple
and straightforward!

Free Resell Rights:
And if you don't already have a ton of resell
rights products, get them for free here:

Sure Fire Wealth
(use the code: Doug's Friend)

The List Machine Giveaway

The Ultimate Four

Start The Year Right

There you have it - there's a lot of info in this one, so grab
the Jimmy D. Brown audio, then give this a re-read to make
sure you're all set, ok? There's big stuff coming up and Teri & I
really want to see you and our other readers do better than
anyone else - we can be a really big, really powerful team if
we all work together to our mutual success! Please have a
super week and I'll talk to you in a few days!

All the best,
Doug Champigny

PS - If you've taken our Jimmy D. Brown e-course, or
read Profit Pulling E-Books, you know how good Niche Pay Raise
is... If you haven't, all 3 are here:
Our Internet Marketing Resources Index

Enjoy! -DC


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