Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Download 5 Free Resources...

Hope your day's off to a teriffic start! And I'm about
to brighten it even more... Put your wallet away too -
these are my gifts to you!

List Building Page Updated:
Two of the online list builders are running promos
right now, so it's the perfect time to push them.
We've updated the page to include the new List
Explode, so download the updated version now
and be building your in-house list and 4 online
lists all at once:
List Building Page

Adsense Questions Answered:
Liz Tomey, the fastest-rising star on the IM horizon,
has just released 'Confessions of an Adsense Girl'.
After polling her lists and site visitors, Liz has
answered the 60 most common questions about
doing well with Adsense - grab your copy here:
Confessions Of An Adsense Girl

100 Private Label Rights Articles:
These are all the rage right now, but can set you
back a pretty penny. But Mike Steup has agreed
you can have these 100 PLR Articles free from:
100 Free Private Label Rights Articles

Make Those PLR Articles Unique:
You can use Mike's articles just as they are in your
e-zine, but to use them on your site they need to
be altered to keep your content unique. Ken Reno
provides an easy solution for you on his site:
Convert PLR Articles To Unique Content

Be a Partner in the Huge Easter JV:
Big list building JVs are great - especially if you're one of
the launch partners. Here's your chance to get in on the
next one:
Be A Launch Partner in This Huge Easter JV

There you go - 5 powerful pro resources
you can have right now with no outlay

Helping you succeed in 2006...

Doug Champigny,
Welland, ON, Canada

PS - If you do nothing else today, be sure to get
that updated list building resource - and get it online today...
Download This Free List-Builder

See you there... DC.

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Monday, March 06, 2006

JV's, List-Building & More...

Hope you're having a great day! It's still cold
here in Welland, but it's our second sunny day
in a row, and Spring is definitely in the air -
c'mon summer!

Today is one of those days you need to make
quick decisions and take quick action. I have
4 different time-sensitive items for you today,
so decide which ones are for you and jump
on them, ok?

First and foremost is the Louis Allport collection
featured on SevenBucks.com this week. It seems some
glitch stopped thousands from getting the notice on
the weekend, so if you haven't grabbed your 5-pack
yet, get them now. These are not the same 5 as two
weeks ago - this is a completely different set, all with
Master Resale Rights.


Next up is Jeff Dedrick's Secret Article Converter.
This is the fantastic article manipulator/editor that
creates unique content fom your PLR articles. Today
is the final day to lock in as a founder at the launch rate;
tomorrow your outlay would be 40% higher to use the
service. By getting in today, you keep your outlay low
forever - so don't procrastinate - jump on it now:


Next up is List Explode. This is a new site like
YourLuckyList & TheListMachine - except that
each time you send something out you can choose
to send it to your own downline or to a random
group the same size, thus extending your reach.

If you can, take the OTO & get a year's upgrade;
if not at least get in with no outlay & start building
your new list there. (The official launch isn't until
tomorrow, so be sure to get in today ahead of the rush!)


And now for one you'll love... Remember the big
JV's at Christmas? The ones that added hundreds
and thousands of new names to people's lists? Now
you get a chance to be one of the JV partners in a
new one, centered around Easter.The actual event
doesn't launch until April 1st, so you've got enough
time to decide what you're going to give away, and
to get reay to drive people to it.

List building is the biggest hurdle in your path,
and this could be your chance to leap-frog ahead if
you put serious effort into it. Get in today, then get
the word out and bring in more JV partners - the
more there are, the better we all do with it.

You don't need to know what product or service
you're giving away yet - that can be decided any
time before the end of the month. But you do
need to reserve your spot now...


You can keep doing what you've been doing, and
getting the same results - or you can start taking fast,
precise action and take it all to the next level. The
choice is yours!

Helping you succeed in 2006...

Doug Champigny,
Welland, ON, Canada

PS - In February, we were involved in 5 JVs/launches
that didn't exist in January, and we brought in 4-digit
returns from just them alone. That's how powerful quick
action can be. Some of the above may not be for you -
but decide what your next steps should be and take
direct action now.

But remember, be sure to download your
video e-books and get on the update list
first at:


See you there... DC.

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Sunday, March 05, 2006

Which Do YOU Need Most?

Welcome Back!

All that really matters today is what do YOU
need right now? Which of theses 5 video e-books
will do your online business the most good right
at this point?

Do you already have enough visitors, but want to
learn how to get more from that group? How to have
a better return from your existing audience? If so,
you want to focus first on the videos in '15 Easy Ways
To Boost Website Response'. (15 Videos - 108 minutes)

Do you need to focus on building a bigger list?
Getting a larger audience who ask to receive your
mailings? Then besure to start with '5 Fast Ways
To Explode Your List'. (18videos - 116 minutes)

Is your web site slowly dying a lonely death?
Twisting in the wind of that vast online desert,
becoming a virtual ghost town? Then watch the
3rd video e-book and learn '5 Easy Ways To Get
more people to your site' (6 videos - 109 minutes)

Or maybe your list and site are doing ok, so you
now want to focus more on seeing that they stay
that way forthe long term. One of the best ways,
of course, is to be sure more and more people are
made aware of your site - and the biggest hurdle
you face is boosting your PageRank at the
engines. You want to learn the '7 Easy Ways To
Get Great Links To Your Site'. (7 videos - 128 minutes)

Then again, maybe you feel you already know
all of the above. So then it becomes a simple case
of keeping an eye on what the 'Big Dogs' are doing
right now, and emulating the changes they make
based on their online research. That makes
'How To Secretly Spy On other people's sites' your
required viewing for today. (18 videos - 113 minutes)

But more likely you just want more products
with MasterResell Rights to sell online and
promote to your lists, right? Then you want this
package even more - in total there are 64 Videos,
over 9 hours of information, organized into 5
video e-books for the PC. Remember, these videos
cannot be seen on a Mac, but ANYONE can use
the Master Resell Rights.

Yes, all 5 video e-books come with Master
Resell Rights and Pro Salespages, each
set to go at $24.95. And as always, your
download of the whole bunch is just
seven bucks!


Helping you succeed in 2006...

Doug Champigny,
Welland, ON, Canada

PS - If you don't want to dig an awful lot deeper
into your wallet, be sure to stop by these two
sites today after you finish your SevenBucks.com
downloads - both go WAY up in the next 48 hours:

Willie's Insane Firesale:

Secret Article Converter:

But remember, be sure to download your
video e-books and get on the update list first at:

See you there! -- DC.

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