Friday, June 29, 2007

Free JV Report...

Have a new gift for you - a report from Richard Quek...
If you don't know who Richard Quek is, he's a
big-league IM-er who has written some powerful
e-books, then used incredible joint ventures to
get them launched. JV's with partners like Shawn Casey,
Joe Vitale, Rosalind Gardner and Jay Conrad Levinson -
while Richard was still virtually unknown!

Next Thursday Richard is releasing an e-book where
he'll teach you EXACTLY how he did it, show you the e-mails
he used and the whole bit. Even show you the perks he used
to entice the big dogs into backing his launches - info you
really want to know.

And he's smart - really smart. He's taken one powerful
excerpt from that book, made a PDF report out of it, and
is letting me GIVE it to you, so you can see for yourself
how powerful the info in this new book is. I'm lucky enough
to have already reviewed the entire book, and I can tell
you it's a great battle-strategy manual for your next
launch - forget high-end programs that set you back a ton,
do what Richard suggests and with a bit of effort and
perseverence you'll eclipse most other launches - just
like he did.

But right now the e-book is 6 days away, so you'll have
to settle for the 20-page report. And that much, you can
grab right now with no outlay, no e-mails, nada - just hit
this link:

Or if you'd rather just read it online:

Helping you succeed in 2007 and beyond...

Doug Champigny

PS - Be sure to hit the site and see if you can still
download this week's bundle - my apologies if you can't,
but I DID tell you on Saturday it would go fast:

To your success... DC.

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Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Private Label Rights

First, if you had trouble accessing your FreeReport
yesterday, you can download it directly from the
salespage now - no signup, no hassle - just hit the link:

OK - Did you take a look at the PLRE site and the
ten PLR packages there yesterday? If you haven't
downloaded them yet, use the link to grab your set
now - don't wait til they're gone!

One of the quickest ways to use PLR articles is on
a blog, and since each of these reports comes with 25
articles, you can pick and choose which of them to use
this way. For example:

Yes, that's a few of the articles from one of these
packages. We just used the default setup and built what
you see there in about an hour. We'll add more articles
about two or three times a week to show activity on the
blog, and add the report to the site when we format it
and have it ready to offer. Since it's the blog posts
that will get indexed and into the engines, it was more
important to get the articles online than the e-book.

Three things to notice there - first, the AdSense
listings - that's one of the quickest ways to make
some bucks with your PLR articles, one that blogging
makes easy since you just add the code to your template
once and it'll show up on every post you ever do there.

Second, you'll see that the BlogRoll in the right
sidebar and the links under a couple of the posts link
to other related sites, blogs or products we have online.
This leads our blog readers to those sites, reminds the
engines that they're there, and provides additional links
to help our PR ranking with the engines.

Thirdly, look at the dates of the postings - they
stretch back over the past week, yet you know we just
built this this morning. Thing is, when someone visits
a blog they may find it fishy if all the articles were
uploaded at about the same time, or even on the same day.
Fortunately, self-hosted WordPress blogs let you set the
day and date for each posting, so you can put a bunch up
at once without looking strange. It doesn't fool the
engines or directories, so don't even worry about trying
that - it's just to make your visitors feel more
comfortable on your new sites.

So go ahead and grab your PLR packages if you haven't
already done so:

And then get them online toiling 24/7/365 for you!

Helping you succeed in 2007 and beyond...

Doug Champigny

PS - Many of our power affiliates, like Liz Tomey,
Mike Steup, Mike Mazzella and Joel Osborne have sent
this week's info to their lists, so there's only about
100 left and those are going fast - get this week's
bundle before it's gone:

To your success... DC.

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