Internet Marketing, Affiliate Marketing or Niche Marketing -
whichever one you want to pursue, you want to be sure and
maximize your earnings in 2007 and beyond. That much
is obvious - but most people either haven't figured out where
to start yet, or have fumbled around not making any money
online so far.
The time has come for you to
STOP. Stop fumbling around.
Stop putting off your start even longer. Stop jumping from
one project to another without getting anything online. Stop
letting another week go by without building your lists. Stop
trying to do everything yourself, with no affiliate program
for your products, no JV partners for your launches, no
coach or mentor to help guide you along.
And the time has come to
START. Start your lists - or start
building them faster if you have them. Start using all the
free Internet Marketing tools that are worth using. Start
formulating a plan of action, so you know which tools and
resources to buy and which ones to pass up. Start taking
EVERY DAY to build your lists, your online presence,
your circle of contacts, and your
ONLINE INCOME!My favorite business author,
Robert Ringer, once wrote that
success is like a parade - 2% are in the parade, 8% are watching
the parade, and 90% don't even know there's a parade going on.
Internet marketing is a prime example. Ninety percent of the
public have no idea how much can be made online, or how one
does make it.
The fact that you're here reading this shows you're in the
other 10% - but are you an 8%er or a 2%er? A lot of how you
answer that comes down to how
structured you are in your
efforts, how
consistently you publish, having the right tools,
and having a
plan of attack for your online business.
And that's important - it's your
BUSINESS, not your playtoy.
Not if you want to really make money online. So either treat
it as a professional business, or stop playing at it and use the
time offline with your friends and family, improving your life
in other areas. Use your time online effectively, or spend it
elsewhere. Time is like money - you either invest it or spend it.
The phraseology alone should make the difference clear to you.
Everything you do in business, offline or here in the real world,
takes time and money - usually in
inverse proportions. If you
have very little time, you'll need to put in more money for any
way to cut your required time - ghostwriters, Pay-Per-Click
traffic, Master Resell Rights, PLR Rights, graphics serivces,
solo ads, etc. Do your strategizing, decide on your course of
action, break it up into appropriate steps and then outsource
as many of them as you can, reserving only the parts you're best
at and that you LOVE doing (usually they'll be the same things).
If you're almost flat broke, it's going to take you longer to get
going online, and it's going to take a
lot of effort and time on
your part. But you CAN get started with no additional money
put in, if you're willing to work hard and wait for the returns.
Pick your target audience, set up a free blog, set up your free
mailing list, sign up with the free online list-building services,
join the busiest free forums, and GET BUSY...
Get Busy writing a
blog post each day on your target subject
(or niche). Use your blog postings to also direct people to
e-zine opt-in and to your online list-builders. Start
researching and writing
articles on your target subject and
spend the time to submit them to the bigger article directories.
Use a resource box at the end of each article like:
Jane Smith is a single mother of two in Edinburgh, Scotland,
who runs her own Internet business and enjoys spending
time at home with her kids. To read more of Jane's writing
on widgets, send a blank e-mail to
JanesList@parabots.comYou can also read her daily missives at
Write and submit at least two articles a day, and be sure
to find about 2 dozen sites to submit them to. Next, find
a few
affiliate programs in your niche, and occasionally
replace your usual resource box link with 'For a great
e-book on widgets, Jane recommends 'Big Book of
Widgets' at Be sure to put
the links to those products on your blog as well...
As soon as you get your very first subscriber, start sending
your e-zine on a regular schedule - at first, maybe two times
per week. Pick two days and always send then - say Tuesday
and Friday, or Thursday & Sunday. WHICH days aren't as
important as being sure you send out those two days every
week, without fail. And by starting with just a few subscribers,
you'll have your own style down and be used to it by the time
your list starts to grow. At first, re-invest any online earnings
into getting the main tools you MUST have to get to the next
level -
professional hosting, pro autoresponders, etc. Over
time, your efforts will start to snowball, and you'll be able to
start taking a percentage of your online income for your own
use - and that's a glorious day indeed!
=== THE TOOLS YOU MUST HAVE === No matter which route you're following, or which niche you
want to attack and eventually dominate, there are a few
Pro tools you HAVE to have. The most obvious are
web site hosting,
professional autoresponders,
blog and ways to build your
opt-in mailing list.
Web Site Hosting:The need here is pretty obvious - this is the home for your
online business, your list-building opt-in pages, the products
you put up for sale, the articles you can make
AdSense income
from, pre-sell pages for your affilaite opportunities, etc.
No, free hosting WON'T cut it - for a myriad of reasons. So
don't even start setting up your own site til you have a
professional web host to set it up with.
Professional Autoresponders:Yes, there are free autoresponders out there, but you always
pay a price for using them. Most commonly, they place an ad
at the top of every note you send - some even put a line at
the bottom saying it was sent from a free autoresponder.
Really helps your credibility as a serious business operator,
doesn't it? A company running a PAID autoresponder biz
can afford people to keep up with the spam filters, to buy
more bandwidth as needed, and will probably still be there
next year and the year after, instead of disappearing one day
along with your list.
=== GET BOTH OF THEM HERE - CHEAP! ===Fortunately, there is a service that will give you both of
these and more, without costing you an arm and a leg.
And having used their services for more than a year now,
I can tell you they've got the best customer service online,
especially important to those just getting started. Equally
important, you get hosting for up to 6 sites, unlimited
professional autoresponders and even an affiliate program
for your sites, all for just $20 US a month! of all, as you use them you'll probably be as impressed
with their services as I am, and want to let others know too.
So join their affiliate program, get your link, and tell the world;
with 3 or more people under you there, you're getting more
back from them each month than you're paying.
Net result?They're PAYING you to use their pro tools! (With 30+ sites online, we currently have three accounts
there and accounts with four other hosts, and are in the
affil programs for all 5 - and between them they cover
all our costs for hosting and return us a profit on top of
that, so this isn't just theory)
Setting Up Your Blog: This one's a no-brainer - a blog is a great way to get your
info online for people to read, a great way to get your
other sites into the search engines, a way to start a bit
of revenue from AdSense, a place to push affiliate programs,
and more - and it doesn't cost a cent to set up or run. If you
don't know how to set yours up quickly and easily, download
our free blogging guide for step-by-step instructions:
http://www.Super-Bloggers.comIf you have a few dollars to invest and want a much more
comprehensive package, take a look at:
http://www.SecretsOfTheSuperBloggers.comEither way, get the info and get your blog on...
Starting and/or Building Your Opt-In Mailing Lists:Once you have your hosting and autoresponders set up,
it's time to start getting people to opt in to your lists &
reading your e-mails. Here are some free tools we've
designed to help:
Remember the Blogging report above? You get a free
opt-in page to give it away from, too:
http://www.Super-Bloggers.comHere's another free resource you can put on your site to
build both your in-house lists and your lists at the online
list builders:
http://www.Building-Downlines.comAnother free report you can give away, and the page to
give them away from:'t pick one - these are all free, so be sure and get all
three of them working for you today - you can never be
doing too much to build your lists!
=== Moving Ahead - Products to Sell ===If you don't have every step of the above in place, don't
read on - go back and do the parts you missed. You can
do all of the above and it'll only cost you $20 US a month,
yet those are the building blocks that will form the base
for your
entire Internet Marketing business!
The next step is getting your own
products to sell - writing
them yourself, having them ghostwritten, or buying ones
to resell. For most people, the easiest way to start is finding
products to resell. Go about that the same way we explained
for handling your hosting.
Start by looking for tools and resources that will help you personally, that come with Master Resell Rights. That way, you're getting the tools and learning resources
you need - then reselling them to get your money back &
make a profit on them. It's not like the offline world, where
once you sell a car it's gone - with downloads, no matter
how many copies you sell, you still have your copy to read,
to learn from, to use. So once again you're getting pro tools
for your internet business
without any net cost - in fact,
you're turning an expense into a
profit center, with any luck.
Again, we've created a site to fill that need, especially if
money is tight for you:
http://www.SevenBucks.comEvery week there are two new Internet Marketing tools
or resources there for you, always with
Master Resale Rights and professionally-designed
salepages to sell them
from, and always just $7 US for both. Sell just ONE copy of
ONE of the two products, and you've already made a profit.
AND you still have both resources to use yourself!
Bookmark that site and stop back each week - to be able
to give you such a great deal without devaluing products
people worked hard to create, we only leave any given
resource on that site for one week, replacing them every
Saturday. If you miss it on that site, you'd have to pay
full price on one of our other sites to get it after that week.
Take a look at the two products there this week to see
what you can expect each week for your Seven Bucks:
http://www.SevenBucks.comOK - that's plenty for today - time for you to look after
each of the above steps so you can ensure 2007 is your
best year yet online. Be sure you either have all of the
above in place for yourself, or set it up now. Future
posts will build on this, giving you some more
advanced steps to take to get your online business moving forward
even faster - sound good?
Helping you succeed in 2007 and beyond...
Doug Champigny,
Welland, ON, Canada.
PS - If you've completed the steps above...
Welcome To The Parade!All the best, DC.
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