Go Pro 5 - Using AdSense...
series. If you missed any of the first 4, they're
archived here on the blog:
Go Pro 1 - Hosting, Blogs, Opt-in Lists, More...
Go Pro 2 - Lifetime Web Hosting, Resell Rights Products
Go Pro 3 - Getting Free Targetted Traffic
Go Pro 4 - Why Use Articles?
In Part 4, we looked at writing articles for your
site content and for sending to the directories to
bring more visitors to your sites. Today, let's start
on using articles to bring in passive returns from
Google AdSense.
There are two main areas you'll want to use
AdSense as part of your online biz - your regular
sites and sites you build strictly to bring returns
from AdSense. Each has it's purpose, and done
right each can build your monthly returns.
Did you get your SevenBucks.com download
this week? Fewer than half are still available:
Think about the articles you added to your own
site to bring in more visitors. Some of those visitors
will find the articles to be what they want, hang
around and read them and maybe download your
products or get on your list.That's the desired
effect - but some won't find that their questions
have been answered, and will leave - why not
make a bit from them leaving by giving them
some related choices through your AdSense blocks?
Don't get caught up in 'But why should I make it
easy for them to leave?' That's the same argument
that's been around since the inception of banner ads,
and the answer is the same - no one who's interested
in what you have on your site is clicking on either.
People know they'll leave your site when they click
on it, so they've already come to the decision to leave -
you're just making it convenient for them, and
getting something for it in return!
AdSense sites, on the other hand, are sites set up
with that specific goal in mind. They consist of good
relevant content (articles) on a particular niche,
with AdSense and maybe some affiliate links being
the only choices for the visitors when they're finished
at the site. Since they got to your site searching for
those keywords, it's very likely that one or more of
the sites in the AdSense ad blocks will have more
info of interest to them.
That means that a big part of how many visitors you
get, and what your returns are, is all dependent on
your choice of keywords - the greater number of
people looking for them the greater potential number
of visitors.
Here's a great tool to help you pick the keywords
to arget, yours for free thanks to our friend
James Jackson:
Download this Free Keywords Software Now...
Choose your niche, find the best keywords for it,
write 10 or 15 articles on related topics and you've
got all you need for your first AdSense site. If you
don't know HTML & don't have a page-design
program, put the articles together for two or three
sites, then grab the trial download of this great
HTML editor - if you can use Word, you can build
a site with this one:
Two hours a week to write and build the site, 3 at the
outside, and by the end of the year you'll have 50 of
these little guys doing their thing - and if each only
brings in ten bucks a month, you've added six grand
to your annual returns - and can just keep on going...
And what about all the PLR articles you've collected?
Well, you can use another free tool to check what
needs to be changed to make them sufficiently unique:
Free Unique Content Checker
But remember, there's nothing 'illegal' about using
duplicate content - the pages just don't get indexed
by the search engines. But add 15 PLR pages on
'Baby Foods' to 15 of your own articles on 'Baby Toys'
and you now have a 30-page AdSense site, 15 pages
of which CAN be indexed by the engines. Those pages
draw the visitors, but all 30 tempt them to click on
your AdSense ad links.
So don't be so quick to ignore those PLR pages, ok?
Here's a sample site like that that just went online
this week:
Info on Diamonds
Don't forget to add a post to your blog today, and
maybe do a few more articles to send to the
articles directories. Tomorrow, some advanced
AdSense techniques for you to help you build
returns even higher - just cause we all love it
when those residual returns show up in that
envelope in our mail box!
Helping you succeed in 2007 and beyond...
Doug Champigny,
Welland, ON, Canada.
PS - Yes, the HTML editor above is also perfect
for customizing the resale pages you get with
your downloads from SevenBucks.com:
Use THIS HTML Editor on...
THESE Resale Rights Pages for YOUR Site!
To your success... DC.
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