Monday, July 04, 2005

Internet Marketing Independence Part 2

Welcome Back!

How are you doing today? Again, Happy 4th to ourAmerican readers,
and Happy Independence Day to everyone! Teri & I will be
going down to Ft. Erie today to watch the fireworks in Buffalo
across the river. The friends we're going with have a perfect
riverside location, so it should be fun...

Yesterday, I posted the resources you need to keep your
opt-in list building on autopilot - if you missed it, it's
archived here on the blog:

Yesterday's Free Opt-In List-Building Resources

Today we'll continue on, giving you the tools and resources you need
to get up and running. So here we go:

1) Free Tools you need for your site:

Gold Collection Software Bundle
Webtool Wizards

2) Free access to paid membership sites:

SureFireWealth Silver Membership
Ultimate Four Membership

3) This is also the last week to access all of the free downloads
from Mike Steup's 10 Days Of Summer event:

10 Days Of Summer Giveaway

So to this point, you have access to over 20 programs and
over 100 resell rights products, all for free! If you've also
taken advantage of the free list-building resources from
yesterday, you're just about ready to go.

The only resources you need that aren't here free are your hosting
and autoresponders, but we've found a great deal for you at the

Ultimate Marketing Center

Take a good read through the page there - it's amazing what all's
included for under $20/month... Hosting for up to 5 sites,
unlimited pro autoresponders, tracking, search engine
submitter, affiliate manager and more - plus Kavi has the
best customer service I've ever experienced online - bar none!

Friend, if you don't already have hosting or if you need
autoresponders or a way to run your own affiliate program,
grab it today. If you do have your own site already, use the free
resources from yesterday to put your opt-in list on steroids, and
today's free resources both to manage your online presence and
to give you a lot more products to sell.

Between the two, we've just given you thousands of dollars
worth of resources to help you make TODAY you're own
personal Independence day - the day you start the road to
your own independent lifestyle.

Be sure to get it done today if you can. Tomorrow I'll delve a little
deeper into the affiliate programs that are making money for us, and
show you someways to do the same yourself.

Enjoy your day... As you download the materials from above, if
you run into any issues or have any questions, don't hesitate to
drop us a line, OK?

All the best,

Doug Champigny
Welland, ON, Canada

PS - If you're not sure which niche you want to start on first, take
advantage of the $1.00 trial offer on this site:

Find Hot Niches - $1 Trial Offer

Enjoy! -DC

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Sunday, July 03, 2005

Your Internet Marketing Independence...

Welcome Back!

How are you doing today? It's another beautiful day here in
Welland, but Teri & I are indoors - Teri's had a nasty headache
for the last 5 days (which she never gets), and I sunburned my
chest, stomach and legs nicely at a water park yesterday, so
we're opting to stay out of the sun and relax today...

So let's talk about tomorrow - Independence Day in the USA.
Happy 4th of July to all our Amercian readers, and to those
everywhere else reading this. Why to everyone else?

Becase I want you to make tomorrow YOUR Independence Day
as well - the day you start working seriously toward your
own Independence.

Let me repeat that - I want you to start working toward
your own Independence. From employers. From debt.
From the lack of enjoyable options each day brings when
you haven't manifested the wealth you need to
enable and empower your dreams! And from that
helpless feeling when those you care about need help, but
you just can't afford to do anything about it.

Yes, Teri & I remember those days - they weren't so very
long ago. So many things we had to forego, just because we
didn't have the cash. But we persevered, knowing we'd get
here eventually. The Universe seems to have a 'Success Test' -
with very few exceptions, those who truly succeed seem to
do so only after persevering beyond where most people
would have given up.

Few realize this... Why? Because most people don't take action
to improve their lot in life in the first place. Oh, they
talk a good game, but there's no pro-active followup taken.
Want a simple example? You and our other readers all read this blog
because you want to make money online, right? Yet even when
the resources are free, only 20% of you ever take advantage of them.
80% of the readers of this blog take no action whatsoever to
empower their dreams - they just like talking about it.

I want that to stop now!!! Teri & I work hard to try and
show you some possible ways to help you along your path, and
we want you to truly benefit from them.

Now that doesn't mean you EVER have to buy anything from us
or through us. If you've been reading this blog for any length of
time, you know you've gotten a lot of free information and
products to help you along - whether you ever bought
anything from us or not.

What about you? Are you ready to get serious about your
own dreams? Ready to work toward your own Independence?
Ready to take ACTION?

Good - start by writing this down and taping it to
the side of your monitor:

What Have You Done To Build Your List Today?

Nothing, repeat nothing, is more necessary to getting
to where you want to be than your opt-in list. Use every
method you can to build your opt-in list, and make sure
it's all working for you 24/7/365.

Once it gets over 2,000 there's a bunch of new opportunities
to grow it quicker, but 'til then at least use these free resources:

Becoming a Super Blogger comes with a free page to give it
away from to build your list.

The List Machine has given Teri & I over 4,000 new people
to e-mail in the last 3 or 4 months alone.

TripleYourList is still really new, so it's prime to promote.

Opt-In Storm & List Inferno - both of these require you to add
a small piece of code to your page, but then work non-stop to
build your opt-in list. Both have a downline as well, so your
referrals can help build your opt-in list too.

There you have 5 powerful free ways to build you list -
I've mentioned each of them to you before, but how many
of them are you already using? We use all 5, so they're
working for us every single day - are you?

Get on these right now - they don't cost you anything,
so no excuses - your success is up to you and you alone.

Tomorrow, watch out for Part 2 - I'll be posting info on enough
free tools and resources to get you started and keep you going
for some time to come! I wasn't kidding when I said Teri & I want
to help you empower your own Independence!

Enjoy your day - but make sure you get going with this.
Full time or part time, you can do it - but you have to start
and stick with it. Let us know how you're making out with it, ok?

All the best,

Doug Champigny
Welland, ON, Canada

PS - C'mon - it won't happen for you if you don't let it -
get on it now, ok? Move into that 20% category -
you'll be glad you did!

Enjoy! -DC

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