Saturday, August 19, 2006

World's First All-PLR Giveaway!

We're making history tomorrow, with the launch of
FreePLR - The World's First All-PLR Giveaway!

Over 30 of the Internet's Top Internet Marketers
are pooling their resources to bring you more than

Starting at noon Eastern (5pm GMT), you'll be able to
download these products over the next three weeks -
There's a great selection of new products each week!

Watch this space for the actual launch tomorrow, or
simply bookmark this page:

FreePLR - The World's First All-PLR Giveaway!

And be prepared to help us make history!

See you there...

Doug Champigny,
Welland, ON, Canada.

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Wednesday, August 16, 2006

One-Time Payment Lifetime Hosting Plan

Teri & I are working our little fingers to the
bone, trying to get everything ready for the
giveaway that launches on Sunday - can't tell
you any more about it just yet, just that it'll
probably be of more help to you than any
other giveaway you've been to before...

So for today, just two quick reminders. First,
today is the last day to get lifetime hosting for
a low onetime outlay - 6GB of storage and
unlimited domains:

Even if you don't have your first site online yet,
lock this in today so you never have to worry about
monthly charges when you do put sites online, or
needing to get a new plan every time you add
another site to your online empire:

Secondly, be sure you don't miss picking up the
two Resale Rights products today from


These are exactly the type of resources you want
most; e-books you can learn from, and then put up
on your own site to get your outlay back and some
extra as well! Download yours now - remember,
they'll be gone by Saturday!


Helping you succeed in 2006...

Doug Champigny,
Welland, ON, Canada

PS - Put the two resources from
into your new web space - but do it before the
weekend. Starting Sunday you'll get a ton more
stuff to put online too, so having the new space
with no future outlays will be a Godsend for you:

To your success... DC.

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