Friday, August 22, 2008

PLR - Private Label Rights Hub

Great new hub from Teri - PLR - Private Label Rights - with a ton of information on using PLR, and suggested links to PLR Resources including PLR Articles, PLR E-Books and even full PLR websites!

(Take a lesson from what Teri's doing - use social sites to pass on great info and get exposure for your links at the same time. Hub pages, Squidoo, Bebo, Technorati, MyBlogLog, Twitter - they all help establish you as an expert in your niche, provide people wtih your recommended links, drive targeted traffic to your sites and give you one-way links back to your sites! )

And don't forget to pick up your PLR e-books from PLR Spectacular and your 50 Free PLR Articles!

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Monday, August 18, 2008

Article Marketing - The Next Level of Article Marketing

Article marketing has just been taken to a whole new level, thanks to one powerful new innovative article marketing resource. Now you can get targeted traffic from article marketing without ever writing or submitting articles, or potentially DOUBLE the targeted traffic you get from your article marketing activities online - and make money online while doing it!

Consider the traditional article marketing model: You write an article, submit it to the article directories (also known as article repositories), and gain targeted traffic in return as people click the links in the Author’s Info box at the end of your article, right? Well here’s how this new article directory improves on that model…

What if you had one or two links embeded right in the content that led back to your site? Obviously this improves your article marketing response, as people are more likely to click embedded links in your article than the one at the bottom in your bio box.

Article Marketing & Targeted Traffic continues here >>>

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