The FASTEST Way To Create Unique Blog Content?
Why Do You Need Unique Content?
If you've been paying ANY attention to Search Engine Optimization, online marketing tutorials, article marketing techniques, etc, then you already know that UNIQUE content rules the web. It's how you attract free traffic, garner a larger audience share, win affiliate marketing contests, build a blog following, brand yourself and/or your business, build bigger lists and make more money.
This isn't new information - it's been true since the start of online businesses. Even when promoting offline businesses online, it's unique content that lets you get more web traffic and beat out the competition. It's especially true in the niches with the most competition like Internet marketing, weight loss, fitness, gaming, etc. Either you're creating unique content regularly or your business is shrinking - it's as simple as that.
The Problem With Creating Unique Content
The problem for Internet marketers and affiliate marketers isn't setting up & publishing a blog - it's being able to come up with enough ideas, topics and concepts to keep generating fresh content to post. How many times have you stared at that blank input box, ready & willing to blog like mad, only to hit that creative brick wall?
It's not because you're a poor writer - even experienced authors dread that first blank page that's taunting us, challenging us to come up with the concept & opening it takes to break down the creative dam and let the ideas flow out onto the paper - or in your case, the computer screen.
You may be new to running an online business or promoting offline businesses online, and not yet sure which topics you should focus on to get started. You may be an experienced blogger experiencing 'writers' block' - a momentary dearth of creative juices rendering you unable to conjer up your next marketing masterpiece. Or you might be an old pro, always able to put your ideas down on the page in short order - but after looking through your extensive writings to date, you just don't see what's left to cover, what topic has been left untended, just waiting til you get that spark of inspiration...
The Solution To Creating Unique Content
At such times, you need to be disciplined about your approach & use the same technique the professional writers do:
- • Choose some sources to do your research at, and browse through them til you find an appropriate topic or topics for you to write about.
- • Once you've chosen the topic(s) to blog about, write a couple of lines about what the article will be about. This will help you stay on track, plus it will be the basis for the headline or title you'll create.
- • Next, make 3 - 5 point-form notes covering the information you'll cover in that blog post or article. Note: Stay general on the points, and DO NOT copy any exact phrases or structure - that's plagiarism, and it's illegal. These points should just be concepts; you can flesh them out into cohesive sentences once you start writing the article. DO NOT start writing the article or blog post while your research material is still open or onscreen.
- • When you've finished your points, close your reference materials and read over what you've written so far. Now take a minute and rough out how you'll conclude the article - wrapping up the info you're presenting, tying the points together, etc, and deciding what link you'll promote in the conclusion.
- • Create your unique blog content or article. You have all the pieces now, so just go ahead and craft your writing following your notes. The structure of the notes you made should give your article a logical flow and keep you from meandering around in a rambling disertation of unfocused verbiage.
This is a very powerful formula that will, in most cases, not only lead to you creating unique blog content and unique articles, but will ensure your unique content is concise, well-presented and of major help to your blog visitors and/or article readers. With time, you'll master the art of researching and writing unique content nd be able to write on demand any time you like. Not every article or post will be a literary masterpiece or pre-sell thousands of prospects, but it will still be of higher quality than most of what's being produced online. And most importantly it will be YOUR unique content to do with as you please.
Having just read the above, was your first reaction 'UGH! I don't have that kind of time - I just want unique content. What's the FASTEST way to create unique content?' If so, you'll be pleased to know there IS a shortcut...
Introducing Easy Article Starters
I can't believe no one had created these before, but fortunately professional online content writer Peggy Baron saw what others were going through trying to create unique content for articles, blog posts, reports, etc., and created 'Easy Article Starters'.
What Peggy has done is pick 10 different topics and then done steps 1-4 above for you - in fact, she did it FIVE TIMES for each of the ten topics. With the first 4 steps done, you just sit down, pick the article starter you want to use and write your article, using the topic, points and conclusion suggestions she's laid out for you! How much easier & faster could you create unique articles and blog posts if the next 50 topics were already waiting for you?
Don't slave over research, don't tear your hair out coming up with concepts to write about, and don't waste time trying to decide what to write... Grab Peggy's Easy Article Starters today & set yourself up for success creating unique blog content, creating unique articles and authoring reports at lightning speed!
Labels: create unique articles, create unique blog content, creating articles, creating blog posts, creating unique content, writing articles, writing blog posts
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