Saturday, July 30, 2011

New E-Book Just Released - 7 Offline Sins - Aimed at Offline Businesses Coming Online...

7 Offline Sins - new report by Doug Champigny

Just launched my latest e-book as a WSO with graphics by Joel Osborne, entitled:

7 Offline Sins - The 7 Most Common Mistakes Made By Offline Businesses When Building Their Web Presence... And How To Prevent Them From Damaging Your Business! Powerful information for any offline business trying to promote itself online, or any online marketer trying to target offline businesses to promote online.

If you run or market an offline business online & are wondering why you're not getting the results you wanted, chances are you're making one or more of these 7 mistakes(common to most sites for offline businesses) and should read the advice on how to overcome the problems!

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Monday, July 25, 2011

Re: A Product A Day PLR - Fewer than 50 PLR copies remain for my new e-book 'A Product A Day' - - Get yours now before they're gone - no further PLR licesnse will ever be released to this e-book!

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