Thursday, May 24, 2007

Advanced Reseller Strategies...

Just before I get into today's lesson on Advanced Resale
tactics, a message to those in the U.S. - tomorrow
starts your Memorial Day long weekend, and for most it
will mean a chance to kick back starting at 4 or 5 Friday
afternoon. So if you haven't picked up this week's bundle
yet, grab it now - before you miss out due to the holiday:


OK - now that that's out of the way, I want to show you
how to up your results from resell rights & PLR rights
materials you pick up. First, make sure you have the PLR
package from Mike Steup - the one he's giving away:

Download Mike Steup's Free PLR Gift Bundle

You'll need it for this tutorial, and you'll want it
for your own use online as well. Once you have it, go to
the 'website' folder & open the page 'index.html'. This is
the salespage for the audio e-book 'Life After A Stroke'.

When considering niche products, you have to make one
decision right off - is this product in a niche you want
to really focus on, or just a secondary niche to your plan.
So in this case, if you're not targeting the Health Niche,
you can just add you name & info where the pink text is,
set up the PayPal button and the salespage is done. Do
the same with the download page, upload the whole thing
to one of your existing sites and off you go...

But in our case, for example, we already have sites
in the Health niche, so this is more important than a 'one-off'
product. So then what? Well, first thing is to book an
appropriate name for the new site, since it'll warrant
a new site of it's own. Two names, actually - one with
and one without the dashes between words.

The one with the dashes will be the full site, using
the articles, report and squeeze page that come with the
bundle - and by having the dashes between the words in
the name, it's easy for the engines to identify any and
all keywords in the domain name.

The second version of the name, without the dashes,
will point directly to the audio e-book salespage,
located in a sub-folder of the main site. This gives me
a simple way to direct people straight to the e-book,
and stops anyone from using the same name either with
or without the dashes, since I've got it both ways.

OK, now take a look at the salespage that came with
the bundle. You'll see there's nothing wrong with it -
except that everyone reselling this e-book will be
using this same page. Again, that's fine for unimportant
niches, but this one matters to us so we want the page
to do well in the search engines and avoid the duplicate
content problems

Open that salespage in your browser & take a good
look at it, then hit Ctrl+N to open a 2nd window. Next
hit this link to see it on our new site:

Life After A Stroke Audio E-Book

With the two open side-by-side, see if you can spot
the main changes I've made. The first one is easy - I've
totally altered the look and feel of the site with new
and a much wider page size. Mine don't have to
be better - just different.

Then, the page starts with content that doesn't exist
on the original salespage at all - an expert quote from
an authority site. This gives new content, helps reassure
visitors and gets the 'stroke' keyword into the page's
first paragraph 5 times including once in a link. And
remember, Google looks for outbound links to quality,
related sites, so it helps there too.

There's a lot more there too, like the audio sample,
the Guaranteed graphic, the blue order button, anchor
text links
, etc, but this post is already too long. So
take a few minutes and really compare the two versions,
see what I altered and what I left out completely - you
should be able to figure out WHY I left out what I did.

On the download page, I also included links to a
couple of our other Health Niche sites and an e-zine
opt-in form
, in the hope it'll draw them to some of our
related resources either now or in future.

Right now, that's as far as I've gotten with the site,
but it's a great start. Early next week I'll show you the
site we build around it using the other resources in that
same bundle
. In the meantime, start playing around with
the salespage from Mike's bundle, the one you got from:

Mike Steup's Free PLR Gift Bundle

And while you're at it, take a good look at that package
from Mike - If you like it, he'll let you have three more
for just three bucks from:

Download Three Complete Audio E-Book Bundles For $3!

Helping you succeed in 2007 and beyond...

Doug Champigny
Author, Becoming A Resale Magnate

PS - Another great way to build your traffic is by using
articles - for a fantastic report on how to put articles
to use in your own efforts, check out:

This Week's Internet Marketing Special

To your success... DC.

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Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Free List-Building Help...

Thought it was time I updated you on the multitude of
Free list-building resources we've built and put
online for you to download and use...

Each of these first five are our free gifts to you, no outlay
required - after all, the better you do, the better we do!
Grab each of these now - no purse, PayPal or pocketbook

Blogging Report and Squeeze Page

Webinars & Teleseminars report with Squeeze Page

AdSense Report and Squeeze Page

E-Mail Markting Report and Squeeze Page

Use this page on your own sites to build your lists at
TheListMachine, YourLuckyList, ListExplode and ListDotCom

Each of the five resources above comes with full
distribution rights and a page to give them away
from while building your lists.

Next up is a free gift from our friend Mike Steup. While it
does include a report and squeeze page, it also gives
you and e-book & the audio version to put on your sites
as well...

Free Bundle Including Niche Report & Squeeze Page

Take a good look at that package from Mike - If you like
it, he'll let you have three more for just three bucks:

Three More Bundles For A Buck Each!

Helping you succeed in 2007 and beyond...

Doug Champigny
Secrets Of The Super Bloggers

PS - Another great way to build your numbers is by using
articles - for a fantastic report on how to put articles
to use in your own efforts, check out:

Article Writing Super Secrets

Just remember, the items at are only
there til Friday night - each Saturday morning they're
replaced by two new resources, always with Master
Resell Rights & professional salespages!

To Your Success... DC

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