Saturday, August 05, 2006


Welcome Back!

Hope your weekend is starting off exactly as you'd
like, and that you and your loved ones are enjoying
good health & good times!

A short issue today just before we leave to pick up
our son Devon & head to Wasaga Beach for the day.
While we love our freedom now that the kids are grown
up and have moved out, it's always a great time when
we can spend time with any of them, especially
on the beach...

First, since it's Saturday morning, you know the
new products are up at
You'll love this week's download - but please,
make sure you get there in time...

We've upped the number available by 50% to
prevent another situation like last week, where
too many people couldn't get there in time, but
that's still no guarantee that they'll last all week,
especially since both come with PLR rights...

Here's a great way to make them even more
powerful - after you download them, go to your
free account at Secret Page Spy and check
to see what keywords you should be using with
these 2 e-books to get the most visitors from
the search engines...

Don't forget to check out the One Time Offer (OTO)
there - a lot of good products for about a buck each.
Best of all, if you decide to download them, you're
automatically upgraded to 100% commissions there,
so you only need to refer one buyer to the site to get
your outlay back, giving you all those products for
no net outlay - one of the 'insider secrets' to
always having a lot of quality resources to put online.
Even with a small list, one sale should be achievable
for all at this low an outlay for the OTO...

And finally, thanks to all those who decided to
Give my friend Joel's site a try and got on board
for the 30-day trial of Ready Made Content.
Articles plus two niche websites each month keep
the site busy, and now with your trial you can see
why without any outlay on your part for the first
30 days...

Take care of those - between the 3 they can keep
you humming along all week, getting new products
on your site(s) without any major dent in your wallet!

And if you're going to be at Wasaga Beach today,
remember to smile for our cameras!

Helping you succeed in 2006...

Doug Champigny,
Welland, ON, Canada

PS - No sooner did we add the new products to than did some people start their
downloads - be one of those action-takers that
bookmark the page and stop by first thing
every Saturday morning. Bookmark it now
before you forget:

To your success... DC.

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Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Free Keywords Tool!

It's hot today - big-time hot! Here in Welland it's
already 32C (90F), with the humidity factored in it's
46C (115F). Environment Canada says today will be
the hottest day of the year...

They're right - but not for the reasons they think.
Today's heat has nothing to do with UV rays, nothing
to do with atmospheric pressures, prevailing winds or
any of that...

What makes today the hottest day of the year is
simple - Jeff Dedrick's new launch...

New Free Keywords Tool!

You're going to use this site - it's the best
Free Keywords Tool to be launched in quite
some time! And you can get in right now - it
launched within this last hour...

This is now the first keyword tool you'll use
when going for keywords - it's that powerful. You
can spy onthe biggest sites online and see why
they're at number one in the engines - and what
keywords got them there. How cool is that...

What keywords are YOUR competition using?

I've been testing this site for a couple of week
snow, and have used the results to 'fix' a site that
was underperforming, and to get the keywords
for anupcoming launch as well. And that's just
how you should be using it too...

BTW - like all no-outlay launches, there's a
One Time Offer once you get inside - but this
one is different. First, it's only 47 bucks, so grab
it if you can...

Not just because it's more than over-delivering,
but there's a unique twist. Once you've joined, you
can send it to your lists and make 50% commission
on the OTO - but if YOU'VE already picked up the OTO,
your commissions are doubled to 100%!!! So be
sure and grab the OTO, so you can make 100% too!

Make 100% Commissions Giving Away This FREE Tool!

Helping you succeed in 2006...

Doug Champigny,
Welland, ON, Canada.

PS - Once you see how much this site will
help you, you'll understand why I say it's so hot -
think of how much this one Free Keywords Tool
can heat up your Adsense sites, Salespages,
Article Marketing, etc.

Don't make the same mistake most people will -
they'll write their salespage, build their site, then
use the Keywords Spy to fill in their keywords
meta tag. No! Use it to find your keywords first,
then incorporate them liberally throughout your
salespage, especialy in the first couple of
paragraphs - there's another 'Insider' trick
for you to make sure this tool is really helpful...

Bookmark This Free Keyword Tool Now!

To your success... DC.

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