Getting Started Online - Part II
Welcome Back!
How's it going today? All is well for Teri & I - we
both got our hair cut short yesterday for the summer, so
of course it's cold here today... It's the same ritual for me
every year - get the hair cut short because of all the blading,
swimming & jet skiing through the summer, then let it get
long and put the beard back on for winter. Can't wait til
we're in a warm climate year-round!
Right now my desk is a mess with 3 client sites to build,
and Teri's just finishing up the photos from last week's
Bikini International shoot, so that site needs updating over
the weekend as well... Guess it's going to be busy! ;) So
let's get right into the next installment on how to get
started online...
There is one setup that has helped us more with affiliate
program earnings than any other, and not only do I recommend
it for those just getting started, but I simply don't understand
why EVERY Internet marketer doesn't make use of it. Even
our 'Earning More Online' site started as one of these, though I
did alter the design to personalize it...
Anyway, the concept behind the PlugInProfits sites is quite
simple. You get a professionally-designed web site set up
for you with YOUR links to a number of powerful affiliate
programs including SFI, Empowerism, etc. - it's even put online
for you so there's no need to worry about HTML, FTPing, etc.
And best of all, you also get a ONE-YEAR-LONG autoresponder
course set up for you promoting the affiliate programs and the
PlugInProfits opportunity, with each issue customized with your
name and links in it.
In one fell swoop you get a site and an e-zine, both already set
up for you and ready for you to start sending traffic to! And
when anyone visiting the site signs up for your opt-in list,
you know they're taken care of for the next year. Other than
sending traffic to it, this is so set-and-forget that it's a
no-brainer to add to your stable of income-producing streams.
Make no mistake, though - this isn't something that will bring you
in a ton of cash in a hurry - like all set-and-forget options, it builds
slowly over time. Since October we've had about 400 people join
our list for this one, and almost all are still getting the e-zine. About a
dozen have already gotten their own PiP site through it, which also
means they've signed up under us at the various affiliate programs -
all with very little active promo from us.
Check out the PlugInProfits opportunity here.
And the beauty of all this? You can get the whole setup, including
both the site & autoresponder course, put in place for you for just
the cost of the site hosting - not too shabby, eh? I have never seen
a lower-cost solution that's so inexpensive yet professional -
see for yourself:
Check out the PlugInProfits opportunity here.
And through a special arrangement, you also get free access to the
Warriors' Forum - possibly the single best Internet marketing
resource online, and truly the home of the Big Dogs. From advice on
everything online to info on what's going on currently, special
Warriors-Only deals and JV opportunities, nothing beats
the Warriors forum -making it alone worth the entire cost!
Yet the best of all is that you can turn this whole show into another
no-net-cost tool in your arsenal - once 3 or more people have
joined under you, the hosting part alone is paying you more than
you give them each month. That's probably the best part - after
you've got 3 under you, it continues to produce leads and income
while paying for itself.
So actively promote it til you get to that point, then put it
on the shelf and send more traffic once in a while to build the
opt-in list. A couple of years down the road it may well be one
of your best residual income streams, all set up from just that
original effort.
There really is no easier way to get started online,
especially for such a low investment - most good e-books
cost more than the monthly fee. And if you're already doing
well online, spend one weekend setting yours up, then send it
enough traffic to start it rolling. Since it's basically set-and-forget,
you've just added another automatic income stream that can
build as time goes by.
So whether you want to become an affiliate mogul or simply
create a few long-term income streams, take my advice and
start right here now...
Make PlugInProfits YOUR next income stream!
If you have any questions about it after reading the info there,
be sure to drop me a line and I'll let you know what's up - since
we've been using the program for about 6 months now, I'm fully
aware (I think) of all the areas of it...
And, of course, the best testimonial I can offer for it is join it
now - It's making us money every month - and should be for you, too.
Make money with your own PlugInProfits web site.
That's it for today - be sure to check it out and see if it fits your plans...
I have to switch to my 'web-designer hat' now and get on with those
sites. Please enjoy life to it's fullest, and give your loved ones an extra
hug or two today - never forget they're one of the most important
reasons you're doing all of this! See you in a couple of days...
All the best,
Doug Champigny,
Welland, ON, Canada
PS - In case I didn't make it clear above, your new PiP site is
just that - YOUR OWN SITE. It's not a few pages on the
Affiliate program's site - it's your own to do with as you
like - add pages, change pages, change, add or delete
offers, links, etc - it's yours just as if you had designed
it from scratch.
Start making money with PlugInProfits here.
PPS - Think I'll throw in another goody just for those who
read this far, as a reward for being thorough in your research.
Get your PiP site through our link, then e-mail me your new
URL. As soon as I verify that it was done through our link,
you can choose any two items from our
Internet Marketing Success Store, and I'll send them
to you for free, no matter what they cost on our site.
Sound cool? You get to choose your own bonuses
this time! Remember, though, to get your free bonuses
you have to use this link:
Get Your PlugInProfits site AND 2 Free Bonuses!
Enjoy! -DC
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