Saturday, February 04, 2006

Free Search Engine Help!

I've given you a few resources to build your list
lately; I hope you're putting them to good use!
After all, doing well online can be broken down
to 2 main tasks - getting more people to join your
list, and getting more traffic to your sites.

So I've given you major help on the first part -
today I'm going to focus on getting more traffic to
your sites. Would it help your traffic-building
efforts to know:

• What technology Google is planning on introducing
and how it may affect you?

• How you can all your sites stay highly ranked or
achieve a high rank in the next year?

• How will Google and Yahoo filter duplicate content
in the future and will this help or punish content
web site owners?

• What changes can be made to private label articles
to avoid duplicate content penalties and is just adding
a little content to the front and back of an article really
enough to fool the mighty Google?

• What is the future of sites that have been created
using site generation software and what can current
auto-generated sites do about it?

To get those questions answered, you'd need to talk
to an expert - so 15 of them were corraled and asking
to predict the future...

That part was easy - getting you this powerful SEO report
for free wasn't...

But here it is - download yours now while it's still there
(it's not our site, so who knows how long it will be available):

Helping you succeed in 2006...

Doug Champigny,
Welland, ON, Canada

PS - Don't set this aside and just go on reading blogs -
how many times have you missed out because you
forgot to go get something, or waited til it was too
late? Jump on these now, then go back to what
you were doing!

Get People To Your Site
Get People to Join Your Lists

Enjoy! -- DC.

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Friday, February 03, 2006

Free Internet Marketing Resources!

Did you miss these?

Hope today is another great day for you!
A couple of timely reminders for you today,
so that you don't miss these free resources...

I was very gratified to see hundreds of people
pick up their free list-builder from us this week.
And no wonder -this one resource builds your
opt-in list and your downline at 3 different
online list builders!

But it should have been thousands grabbing it.
Nothing is more important to your online biz than
your lists - and no one reading this, myself included,
is finished looking for new ways to build their lists.

For the most part, it's the only difference between
those trying to do better online and the Gurus
who've already made it - the size of their lists.

If you hesitated to pick it up, stop playing around
and take a concrete step toward achieving your
online goals - download YOUR free copy right now!

Building Opt-In Lists - For FREE!

For those of you who did already grab it - congrats!
But remember it won't do you any good if you don't
USE it. If you haven't already put it online, be sure to
get it online over the weekend, ok? Any resource is
useless unless you put it to good use - so see
that you do, ok?


Your 10 Days of Winter Gifts...

Today is the LAST day to get $2,000 in gifts
from 10 different pros - and the powerful
coaching their e-zines provide - through Mike
Steup's 10DaysOfWinter event...

Mike has made it really simple for you to get
the tools and coaching you need to take your
biz to the next level, without neeing to put out
a dime. Every week we receive e-mails from
people saying they can't get this or that because
of the outlay involved, or that they've picked up
a ton of stuff already and don't want to crack
their wallets open right now for any more. So
this is your solution - the resources you need,
with no investment required.

10 Days Of Winter Giveaway!


So there you have it - two more powerful resources
to help you online - and both of them are free. I take
great pride in sourcing out the best resources for you,
and love it even more when I can find tools that don't
stretch your budget. Now it's up to you to do the rest...

I can't make you successful - I can only help you
achieve that. The next steps are yours, starting with
the two resources above - will you act in your own
best interest, or just let them pass you by?

Helping you succeed in 2006...

Doug Champigny
Welland, ON, Canada

PS - Don't set this aside and just go on reading the blog -
how many times have you missed out because you forgot
to go get something, or waited til it was too late? Jump on
these now, then go back to what you were doing!

Free List-Building Tool To Download...

$2,000 in Tools & Resources - Free!

Enjoy! -- DC.

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Please Stumble Our Blog: Marketing Domination at StumbleUpon


Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Free Opt-In List Builders!

Building An Opt-In Mailing List is the single biggest focus
of EVERY successful Internet Marketer, Affiliate Marketer
and Niche Marketer online... Opt-In List Building MUST
be a big part of your Internet Marketing, Affiliate Marketing
& Niche Marketing efforts!

Build HUGE Opt-In Mailing Lists
Using These FREE Online Tools!

Are you involved in Internet Marketing, Affiliate Marketing,
Niche Marketing or E-Mail Marketing of any type? Or are
you considering an online business, or bringing your offline
business onto the web? In either case, if you've done any
research at all into how those most successful at online marketing
got that way, you know they all recite the same mantra:

'The Money is in Your LIST!'

Some disguise it - they say that Joint Ventures are
more powerful. A JV is a group of marketers all pushing
the same item or event collectively - but really, it's just
using the power of their combined opt-in lists to create a
'mega-list' for that event. Often they themselves don't even
realize they're just making an even stronger case for
building the biggest opt-in lists you can.

It's a very simple concept, really - you fire off an e-mail
to your opt-in lists, and within minutes hundreds, thousands
or even hundreds of thousands of people all over the world
are reading your message. Depending on various factors, a
certain percentage will click through to check out the resource
you're recommending - and a percentage of those will decide
to buy or sign up. So the bigger the numbers, the more sales
and the greater your profits, for the most part.

Whether you convert .001% or 17% of your readers,
the more names on your list the more your sales and
the bigger your profits!

There are two ways you can keep growing your
opt-in mailing lists - and you should be promoting
both non-stop. Your most important list-building is
that you do through your own sites, using opt-in
forms and pop-ups on various pages. But the secondary
attack can build your lists faster - much faster. These
list-building services, for the most part, don't build your
own, in-house list. Instead, they provide a mailer you
can use to contact an ever-growing number of people -
those in your downline at that site..

Using Viral Opt-In List Building...

If you add 30 new people to your in-house list today,
you have thirty more potential clients. Tomorrow,
you're out getting more... With list-building services,
your efforts are multiplied - virally! Those same 30
people can be added today - then tomorrow you're
out building your lists again - but so are the 30 people
you signed up today! You see, because they are in your
downline, so are any people they bring in. And the
people under them as well!

Not everyone under you will promote the service -
it's just human nature that many are lazy and won't
do a thing after they sign up. But those who do will
be building their lists - and yours - on an ongoing basis!
Perhaps next week you don't get anyone new yourself -
but your downline team may well add another 50 or
100 people to your list anyway - can you afford NOT to
be using these services, to just pass up on all this help
building your lists?

And if you don't have a site yet, or are just promoting
affiliate marketing opportunities, these services may
well be your ONLY way to build a list with any haste...

Now, promoting these sites may seem like a lot of work,
but we've got a free list-building tool to help you build
both your own in-house lists AND your online lists.

Download Your Free Opt-In List Building Tool!

Helping you succeed in 2006...

Doug Champigny,
Welland, ON, Canada.

PS - If you don't do a single other thing to promote your biz
today, be sure to grab this free tool at the very least - and
put your list-building into high gear on autopilot!

Get Free Help Building Opt-In Lists!

Enjoy! -DC


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