Friday, May 12, 2006

2 Free Gifts & a Deadline...

There are two new resources, both just launching
today, that you can have for free. Two of my JV partners,
Mike Steup and Jim Daniels, have each released a gift
that you simply must have...

Yes, I said must have. I apologize in advance to anyone
who thinks I'm crossing the line here, but I ask and expect
you and everyone else in our online family to grab both of
these today - right now would best. I've never said that
before, but these are critical resources!

Gift One:

You already know that audio & video are the way
of the future online. You probably also know that
books on tape and books on CD are a huge
market, right? Well, Mike Steup is going to give
you a new niche e-book with PLR rights, a salespage,
and the same e-book in audio format! You get the
rights to both the e-book and the audio - for Free.
So grab it now:

Free Niche E-Book & Audio with PLR Rights...

A word to the wise: After you do, you'll see a
One-Time-Offer to get into the new Niche Audio Club.
Grab it - fast! That OTO will disappear once 100 people
have grabbed it - meaning it'll probably be gone before
tomorrow. But by grabbing it today, you lock in at about
twenty bucks a month for 3 niche e-books, the audios for
each, the salespages for each, and 25 PLR articles for each
every month. After the first 100, that goes up 40% til it's
full. If you miss it, don't say I didn't warn you, ok?

Gift Two:

If you've been online any length of time,
you probably know that Jim Daniels is one
of the deities of our biz - a true legend online.
And one of the most beloved and trustworthy
of them all (if you're as old as I am, think Pallidin
from Have Gun, Will Travel). Jim started
building his empire a year before we did, and
has seen it all in the 10 intervening years.

Today, Jim's releasing his 10-step guide to independence,
the "New Age Work at Home Plan". When you get to the
page you'll see it's going for $97 - but not for you. Because
you're part of our online family, and we're one of Jim's
JV partners, you're going to scroll down to the order form
and click on the gold key there. Remember - click on the
Gold Key, not on the 2CO button...

Download Your "New Age Work at Home Plan" Now!

Go ahead and download it - this post will still
be here when you're done...

The Deadline:

Nothing heavy - just a quick reminder that your
window to download the 3 PLR e-books for just
seven bucks ends at midnight tonight - about 16
hours from when I'm writing this...

Helping you succeed in 2006...

Doug Champigny
Welland, ON, Canada

PS - It's Mother's Day this weekend, so don't forget
you can send free online e-cards for any occasion from
our cardshop:

Send Free Online Cards From Here...

To your success... DC.

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Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Free Mother's Day E-Cards!

We all know it's Mother's Day this coming
weekend, so why not surprise Mom a day or
two early with an online Mother's Day

e-card from our free online cards shop?

Send Free Online Mother's Day Cards!

Go ahead and brighten her day - then be sure to
see your Mom or call her on Sunday for Mother's
Day, ok?

All the best,

Doug Champigny,
Welland, ON, Canada.

PS - Remember, til this Friday at midnight you
can pick up 3 Internet marketing e-books, with
source code, PLR rights and Master Resale Rights
for just Seven Bucks from:

Enjoy, DC.

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