Friday, February 18, 2005

Your Most Important Internet Marketing Task...

Hi, Folks!

How's everything going? Hope that you and your loved ones are all happy & healthy, and that the Universe is treated you very well indeed!

The next few posts we'll be dealing with your single most important Internet Marketing task for true success online - building your opt-in list. This truly is of paramount importance - you'll need to build your own list to a healthy size if you want to make any real money online...

There are two ways to go about it - sending from your own computer or using a service. It used to make sense to send out your newsletters, e-zines & e-courses from your own machine, giving you complete control over everything for a one-time cost.

Nowadays, though, we recommend against it. Why? One or two Spam complaints can have your Internet connection shut off, your web site shut down, and your reputation (and chances for success) destroyed. Even if you can prove the person signed up for your mailings you'll be down 'til that's established, as one guru found out in the middle of the Christmas rush when his sites all disappeared for 3 days!

So we decided to use a service, and after careful consideration we went with GetResponse. Their unlimited autoresponders mean we can set up each of our e-courses, e-zines and newsletters through our one account for no additional cost.

You can join them for free, if your budget's really tight. But be sure to upgrade to paid as soon as you can afford it; free mailings carry someone else's advertisement at the top of each one, so your response drops off. It's still better than no list, but not nearly as good as having only your own words there for your subscribers to read.

Just Released! 5 Fast Ways To Explode Your Opt-in List!
This new VIDEO E-Book uses 18 step-by-step videos to show you how to successfully build your opt-in lists much quicker than most, and shows an example of one site that has built a 200,000-name list. No more guessing - just follow along doing what you see onscreen!
Opt-In List Building Video E-Book

You can go to the page for '5 Fast Ways To Explode Your Opt-in Lists' and purchase this great new video e-book from us right now - $24.95. Or would you rather pick it up for free?

You KNOW Teri & I are dedicated to your success online - we've bet our own success on it. So here's the opportunity:

- EVERYONE reading this wants to learn to make more money online.
- EVERYONE reading this already knows the Number 1 rule of online success - the money is in the list!
- EVERYONE should have a GetResponse account - Paid if possible, or free at first if finances dictate.

OK - so you know you need an autoresponder account, and you agree that GetResponse is probably the one for you - but why a GetResponsePro account? On their end, GR will let you do broadcast e-mails to your entire list with a PRO account, not just pre-written e-courses. And you can automatically publish to the new RSS format with the clickof a button in your Pro account.

And, of course, Teri & I will sweeten the pot even more! Use our link to sign up for a pro account there, and we'll throw in $40 in bonuses - free copies of the video e-book above & of 'RSS Made Easy'. That's $40 in bonuses for a service that's under $20 monthly, like getting the first 2 months for free!


If, with these extra incentives, you haven't decided to join GetResponse, turn off your computer, go on out and have some fun with your loved ones - you're just not cut out for list-building, and without it you're just not going to make it online. After all, if you don't even take advantage of offers that come with valuable bonuses, your inertia will stop you dead.

But since you ARE looking to make money online, I know you'll join - and probably the Pro version, so listen carefully. Once you've used this link to join:


Leave me a comment letting me know your GetResponse ID# & User Name and I'll send you out the download links to these great bonuses as soon as we verify that the signup was done through our link. If so, you'll have your links within 48 hours of notifying me, OK?

Hey - who loves ya? Who else offers you a bonus so new they've just started selling it themselves? And who else offers a free bonus when you sign up for a tool you already need? Told ya we'd help!

So here's the plan -
1) Sign up right now at
GetResponse .
2) Leave me a post bragging about how smart you are and how quickly you jumped on this opportunity.
3) Go have a super weekend, seeing to it that you and your loved ones spend some time together enjoying life and bonding even closer together!

Remember to bookmark the Marketing Domination Blog & I'll see you soon!

All the best,

Doug Champigny.

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Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Make Money with Health & Wellness...

Hi, Friends!

How's everything today - feeling good? Feeling fit? Ready to conquer the planet single-handedly? Sure hope so!

Are you actively p.romoting any affiliate programs online?
Or are you planning to? If so, subscribe to our new e-course:
The 'Building Downlines' e-course is specifically written to
help people get going with their affiliate marketing.
Building Downlines

Well, we're 6 weeks into the new year now - how are you doing with your New Year's Resolutions?

Over the years, two keep showing up for many of the people we know. Every year they resolve to:

-Make More Money This Year
-Lose Weight, Get Back in Shape, etc.

Honestly, now - are either or both of these on YOUR list this year? Hmmm - ours too... ;>)

Teri & I have converted our dining room into a 'weights' room & gotten back to working out regularly, and gone back to our 'low-carb lifestyle'. When you've grown up as a self-styled hyper-active beach bum, it's harder every year to stay in shape - but at 50 I still refuse to let time slow me down or be afraid to disrobe at the beach
(or elsewhere ;D)!

But this year we've taken it all a step further, by combining the two resolutions. We're actively promoting 3 different affiliate programs that combine them nicely - helping us get healthier while making us money:

------------------------ WEIGHT LOSS WARRIORS: ------------------------
This is a brand new site you probably haven't seen yet - which means there's lots of room for signing up new members left, right & center! Everything people need to lose weight; even a members-only forum and a system for working with a buddy, to help motivate you both! And while there's no downline for the affiliate program, the income generated is residual - you get 45% of the monthly dues for as long as your referral stays a member! Read about the site and the affiliate program at
Weight Loss Warriors

------------------------ PUSH BUTTON HEALTH ------------------------
Want $6,000 in products instantly for under $30? Every month Bryan adds
2 more white-label packages to the site, all custom-written at $500 each. You get full resell rights, & can even add your own name as author. And since the site is 6 months old, there are already 12 there waiting for you! This site has been adding another 3-digit monthly income stream for us since our second month - definitely worth checking out. And when you see the four new products coming out in March & April, you'll appreciate why you need to get in now!
Push Button Health

------------------------- Strong Future International -------------------------
The SFI Marketing Group has become the largest affiliate program online. Sign
up for free and then take a tour of the members area - you'll soon understand why! There are a number of opportunities here - the two Teri & I use most are the International Association of Home Based Entrepreneurs (IAHBE) and the Veriuni store. For today's purpose, it's Veriuni that's important.

As an affiliate you get your own Veriuni store, pre-built and ready to promote. In it are hundreds of products relating to Health & Wellness, along with everything from magazines to cleaning supplies to pet food. As well-informed fitness addicts, Teri & I start each day with Veriuni Advanced Liquid Nutrition -a peach-flavoured liquid vitamin & minerals supplement we swear by. And best of all, placing a standing order for a bottle a month keeps Teri qualified for their paid affiliate benefits - not bad since we'd be buying vitamins every month anyway... Sign up for the free affiliate program & see for yourself all that is has:
Strong Future International

So there you have it - 3 ways to learn about health & get in shape this year, while turning them into additional income streams to help your financial health at the same time - Don't you just love solutions that provide multiple benefits and meet multiple needs?

Be well, be happy and enjoy your life... I have to get ready for today's workout, so I'll sign off for today...

All the best...

Doug Champigny

PS: All 3 volumes of Guerrilla Marketing are now available in one complete package. Download all 3 for the price of just one e-book. Great low-budget marketing strategies:
Guerrilla Marketing Strategies

P.P.S: Don't forget to sign up for our 'Building Downlines' e-course for free at
Building Downlines


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Monday, February 14, 2005

The Marketing Domination Blog is born!

Hi, Folks!

Welcome to our newest Internet marketing resource, the Marketing Domination Blog. For those of you familiar with our work, this blog will be the companion to the
Marketing Domination e-zine and the Building Downlines e-course. Please feel free to subscribe to both if you haven't already.

For those of you not familiar with Teri & I, we've been online since 1982, and have been earning our living from the World Wide Web since 1997. After focusing mostly on web site design & search engine promotion for corporate clients, we started shifting our efforts to our own sites and Internet Marketing in 2004.

We will be posting to this blog erratically - no reason to publish if there's nothing to say! If you want to hear from us regularly, be sure to sign up for our newsletters & e-courses. We will, however, try to keep you up-to-date on the latest twists and turns in the Internet Marketing arena, and let you know about new Internet Marketing tools and resources as they become available.

If you're an old pro at Internet marketing, keep an eye on this blog to stay current with advanced techniques and emerging opportunites. If you're relatively new to Internet marketing, you'll want to read through our free primer, the
Affiliate Marketing Special Report, first so that you have a better understanding of what you're about. It's an 11-page web site that's more solidly packed with info on making money online, getting free web site traffic to any site, making money with affiliate programs, etc, than most $97 e-books, yet we present it all to you free. Don't miss it!

That's it for today, friends - If you'd like a little more to keep you busy til our next post, join our e-zine & e-course (both free), and check out some of our sites...

All the best,

Teri & Doug Champigny,
Welland, ON, Canada.

Our Sites:

Market My Dot Com!
Earning More Online!
Affiliate Marketing Special Report
Teri's Christmas Shop
Sell Your Crafts
Web Site Design
Models Showcase & Free E-Cards
The Cyber Surfer
The Cyber Surfer Mall
Ladies' Swimsuits, Bikinis & Tankinis
Champigny Photography


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