Friday, July 29, 2005

3rd Insiders' Special a Hit!

Welcome Back!

How are you doing today? Ready to have a super weekend?
Teri & I are dying to get out on a tall ship, the Empire Sandy,
at 'Canal Days' in Pt. Colborne this weekend...

Did you check this out yesterday?

Remember when I said only 50 copies would be made
available over the 12 days, because the pricing is so low?
Well our online family showed us once again that they love
these Insider Specials - 18 of the 50 were snapped up
by last night, within the first 14 hours! Did YOU get yours?

Two questions cropped up about it yesterday... The first
was 'What's IN the package?'Everything you see at
plus the download pages for the 6 video e-books and the
full package itself.

The second was about the links on the download pages.
I added 3 links to some of our sites so that buyers had
somewhere to go after they downloaded their e-books...

Yes, you can change those links. I would suggest using
links to your own sites, your affiliate links or better yet
put your signup form for your opt-in list there. You
CAN leave our links intact if you want (Thank You), but
if you have other sites online use those instead, ok?

Right now, this very moment, is the best time for you
to download your copy. Why? Because they're going quickly,
you save a small fortune, and the price goes up at midnight
Sunday, if any packages are left by then. I'd hate to see you
miss out on it - read all about it at:

Enjoy your day - And download your package right away
so you can have it added to your site today, or operational
as a brand new site by Monday! I'll talk to you over the

All the best,

Doug Champigny,
Welland, ON, Canada

PS - The clock, and the counter, have started - and 18
of the packages were already gone by last night. YOUR
package will go to someone else if you aren't quick...

Enjoy! -DC

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Thursday, July 28, 2005

Time-Limited Insiders' Special!

Welcome Back!

How are you doing today? It rained all day here in Welland
yesterday, but it's back to beautiful and sunny this morning.
Teri & I want to go to 'Canal Days' in Pt. Colborne this
weekend, so hopefully it'll stay this way for a bit...

Well, friend, last week I mentioned that:

* Resell Rights is an important topic to you;
* You LOVE 'insider deals' that aren't for 'outsiders';
* And you're prepared to act quickly if it's right for you!

And boy, did our Online Family prove me right, snapping up
the report like crazy! So let's go 3 for 3, shall we? You'll have to
see this week's Insiders' Special to believe it...

You see, one thing a number of your fellow readers wrote
and asked about was whether there was a sales page and a
download page with the report. Since your online efforts are
already creating a hectic schedule for you, the more time we
can save you the better, right?

With that in mind, we've put together a package with 6
resell rights products, and supplied you with both
sales pages and download pages for each - then added
another to let you resell the entire package and a
download page to go with that, too!

As a result, you could add this package to your site or even
use it as a complete site on it's own - especially valuable if
you don't yet have your first site online... And if you're one of
those who doesn't yet have an online biz of your own to
promote, you'll love the step-by-step instructions on how
to set up PayPal & StormPay buttons on the pages as well!

You'll definitely want to hurry to download your copy - only
50 are available, and the price goes up on Monday. But
til then, you can grab all this for under $50 and get it online
and operational over the weekend! You'll need to get it now,
since this is going out to our full 10k+ Online family today -
stop by now:

Enjoy your day - And download your package right away
so you can have it added to your site today, or operational
as a brand new site by Monday!

All the best,

Doug Champigny,
Welland, ON, Canada

PS - The clock, and the counter, have started - YOUR package
will go to someone else if you aren't quick...

Enjoy! -DC

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Please Stumble Our Blog: Marketing Domination at StumbleUpon


Monday, July 25, 2005

Resale Rights Report Special

Welcome Back!

How are you doing today, Friend? Hope you had a super weekend!
Teri & I finally got out to experience Welland's Drive-In, catching
'Bewitched' and 'The Wedding Crashers'. Both the drive-ins and
the stock car tracks disappeared from the Toronto area in the 70's,
so there's a real nostalgia to it all for us...

Did you take advantage of the latest insiders' benefit yet? The
Resale Rights Report will still be around tomorrow - but at $27,
not at $12. Your special pricing ends in about 12 hours, at midnight
EST (9pm PST).

Read about it here:

Then get it here:

Grab it today, read it tonight & then get it up on your site and
let your list know it's there. One sale and you've doubled your
investment - 5 and you've recouped 1,000%! Plus the e-book
is still there for people visiting your site for some time to come -
this isn't an e-book whose content will soon be outdated.

Put in the extra effort to make this a super week - get a lot accomplished
and have a supertime of it all... And if you're in the Northern Hemisphere
or Northern Australia, be sure to get out and enjoy the out-of-doors; we
all want to get as much done as we can, but a better lifestyle is why
we do this, so don't spend it ALL in front of your monitor -
get out and enjoy!

All the best,

Doug Champigny
Welland, ON, Canada

PS - You only have til midnight, so do it now -
Resale Rights Report Insider's Special!

Enjoy! -DC


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