Saturday, June 25, 2005

An Internet Marketing Summer...


Welcome Back!

How are you doing this fine Saturday? Hope it's as great there
as it is here in Welland - it's 33C (92F) right now, and with the
humidity factored in it's now40C (104F) - exactly the weather
Teri & I love!

Teri & I are already well tanned this year - we've had more sunny
days in June than we had all last summer! So we get out blading,
walking & doing our photoshoots...

And that's the beauty of being in our own online biz; we can take
the afternoon to play and make up for it at night - or the next day.
In this biz, though, it's very easy to be fooled by summer - don't
let it happen to you!

Before continuing on, too many of you missed the two big
offers this week, so I want youto grab them now. The first
is the new list-building site Triple Your List. It's free,
and already adding to our lists - let it build yours too:

NEW! Triple Your List!

Then get your Niche Keyword List trial ($1) from
James Jackson - after the list-building sites, this will
probably grow into your most valuable tool!

Find Hot Niches Website


You see, online sales slow down when it's summer in the
northern hemisphere - which is natural when you consider
that there are more Internet users in this hemisphere, and
people are generally in front of their computer for fewer
hours when it's nice outside. Yes, it's winter in the southern
hemisphere, but Australia and New Zealand don't get the
harsh winters we do, so they can enjoy the outdoors more then.
And Africa & South America have fewer online than Europe or Asia.

So if there's not the same return and the weather's perfect, why
worry about our online activities in the summer? And that's where
people get fooled, especially those with only a year or two under
their Internet marketing belt. The best time for online biz is
Sept. 15th to Dec. 15th; if you're counting on online revenue for
Christmas shopping be sure you've already earned it before the
15th as sales die about then til January 15th or so. So we know
we have to target the fall season - but what does that entail?

Well, having sites online to sell from, having affiliate programs to
push, having autoresponder courses for followup and back-end
sales, and having big lists to promote them all to, right? And that's
what summer is all about to smart online marketers, in either
Internet marketing or Niche marketing. Use July and August
to build your sites and your lists, so that you're ready for Fall.

You already know that 60% of online traffic is driven by Google
right now - do you also know about the 'Google sand-box effect'? To
keep sp*mmers and sc*mmers from grabbing top spots instantly, new
sites are held back for two to three months before taking their normal
place in the listings. So to have a fair chance in October and November,
your sites have to go online by July and August.

This also gives you time to test headlines, copy, graphics, etc, to
make sure you're pages are at their best in the prime times, and
time to build some reciprocal links to your sites. Similarly, building
your lists and your affiliate downlines can be handled during this time -
especially multi-tier programs that take time to mature. Success
with a program like SFI, for example, usually means taking a paid
position in it for 6 months or more before your commissions cover
your monthly expenditure. But four or five years down the road it's
huge for you and your initial faith has been justified.

So what about you? Have you started building your own opt-in list
yet? Did you sign up with:

The List Machine?

Triple Your List?

The List Inferno?

Opt-In Storm?

Did you get your free copy of
Becoming A Super Blogger and it's
free list-building giveaway page? Have you put it online yet?

Right there you have five different free ways to build your list -
but nothing will happen if you don't take action! Each of those has
added to our lists in the last 3 months - 2 of them have each added
over 500 names on their own!

And what about getting products online to sell? We've given you
access to a ton of free products with resell rights - but have you
put them online yet? Don't wait til Fall - it'll be Spring before they
see enough traffic. And never pre-judge WHEN items will sell -
we've had 3 or 4 sales from
Teri's Christmas Shop so far this
week; people getting the
Christmas Crafts e-book to start making
their gifts now, it seems.

OK, so you need to touch up the resell pages before you can use
them - add your form, etc. So we told you about
123WysiWyg -
the easiest HTML editor to learn and use. Plus you need a place
to host them - so we pointed you to the
Ultimate Marketing Center -
where you can host 5 different sites in one account, plus get the
auotresponders you need for your lists and e-courses - all for
under $20 a month!

That's about all I can do for you on this stuff - tell you what you
need to do to grow your biz and your income, show you what's
working for us right now, and point you to the tools and resources
needed to make it all work for you. But it requires action to put it
all in place; YOUR action. The ball's in your court, as they say -
you can win or lose by your own decisions.

This week we've had sales from each of our sites, added dozens
to our list through the resources above, added four new articles
and some Yoga e-books for sale at
Teri's Health Shop, been
involved in 2 joint ventures, and worked on our upcoming
Niche and membership sites. Oh - and sent out to our
e-zine readers. ;)

That's the kind of action and effort we put into getting where
we are now, and towards getting to where we want to be...

If you're doing this full-time, you should have done at least as
much in the last 7 days. If it's still part-time at this point, then
aim to do about half that much each week. It takes time and
effort, a lot of discipline and unbelievable perseverance - but
boy can it be worth it!

Now that this is posted here and off to our lists, Teri and I are
off for some blading on Merritt Island! Look after the items
above that you've missed this week and then have one heck
of a great weekend, friend - you certainly deserve it!

All the best,

Doug Champigny,
Welland, ON, Canada

PS - If you are into yoga or have been thinking about
getting into shape or trimming down a bit, the e-books
I mentioned above are at:

Enjoy! -DC


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Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Free Gifts & New List-Building Site!


Welcome Back!

How is everything today? Hope the day has started really
well - because we're going to make it even better for you -
if you can act right now!

Today we have not one, but TWO joint ventures launching,
one of which will help you right now while the second will help you
for some time to come... So let's get down to it, shall we?

Today is the first of 10 days in this event, and every day
you get free gifts from a different JV partner. Guess who
the first ones showcased are? You got it - Teri & I!

Once you go there today, they'll send you the download
link to get 10 items, most with resell rights, from Teri & I.
You can download them for free - or get them elsewhere
for about $500. Don't let this slip by - get e-books, software,
resources and memberships, many with resell rights or
free distribution rights, all for free this week. Be sure to
get there today to grab the stuff from us! Plus you'll get more
gifts from 9 other partners over the next 9 days!


OK - once you've done that, head on over to

Those of you who got into the List Machine when we first
announced it now have lists in the hundreds or thousands
to e-mail each week. This JV is from the same folks, Gary
and Jennifer Ambrose, but it's even better than the
List Machine.

How is it better? With this site, you're sent all of the leads
you've earned, so you can e-mail them directly - they actually
become part of your own list! Rather than mail them once
a week, now you can have them in your own list, receiving every
mailout you send!

Keep your eyes peeled - there's a super 1-time upgrade
offer once you sign up. If you can afford it, be sure to go for it -
amongst all the other benefits, it gives you the right to have
your leads sent directly to your autoresponder instead of
directly to you, thus automating the whole process for you
and giving you a powerful residual list-building tool
to add to your arsenal...

OK - that's your mission for today. First get to the
10 Days of Summer event & get your goodies, then
head over to Triple Your List and put this fantastic
new tool to work for you! Don't miss either if you're
serious about making money online!

That's it for today... Teri & I have photoshoots today and
tomorrow, but I'll be back to help you some more on Thursday -
and to give you heck if you haven't gotten the free tools
mentioned above! ;) Please have a super week and
I'll talk to you in a couple of days!

All the best,

Doug Champigny,
Welland, ON, Canada

PS - Don't let yourself down... You're reading this because you
need and want to make money online. With these two free resources
you a) get the rights to some great products you can sell, and
b) get some really powerful help building an opt-in list to market
them to. Do yourself a favor and get both working for you
before you read another thing!

Enjoy! -DC

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