Free E-Book, A Site Launch & an Affiliate Program
Welcome Back!
How are you doing today? Welland has been in the high
80's/Low 90's for a week now, with the humidity pushing
it up to about 100F each day. Teri & I love this weather,
but it's early this year and we don't have the A/C set up yet... :(
But that's not why I'm still up at 5:30 am, writing this
for you. Those that have been reading this blog for any
length of time know two things about me:
1) I always try to balance free resources with the paid
ones I bring to you. Just in the last year, for example,
there has been the Affiliate Marketing Special Report,
the 'Becoming a Super Blogger' e-book and the series on
list building techniques you could use for free, all
authored by myself.
In addition, the free memberships in SureFireWealth and
ISOResources (now Ultimate 4), and giveaways including
7DaysOfAutumn, 117ChristmasGifts,
and 2 ListMachine giveaways.
2) When something truly excites me, mind mind whirls non-stop
until I have a chance to share it with you and my other readers -
and when my mind is whirling, there's no sense even trying to sleep.
Well, today's note addresses both of those points - and that's
why I'm still up right now. This involves a very valuable report
you haven't seen yet, but you get it for free today. It concerns
an opportunity for those who are already doing ok but want to
double, triple or quintuple their profits in the next year.
And it concerns those select few who are dedicated affiliate
marketers with good traffic and/or lists and are just waiting
for the next 'right' opportunity.
Chances are by now you know of Jay Abraham. At some point
in your online career you'll have reached a level where Jay can be
of major help to you. Probably the most famous marketer in
North America, if not the world, Jay has brought in over 7 Billion
in biz for his clients in the last 20 years. You guessed it - his services
aren't cheap!
But today you get a free peek at the brilliance that is Jay,
through an e-book he's just releasing today. By his own
admission, this report could be sold for $295 with no
trouble at all, even though it's only 35 pages. It's truly
an amazing piece, with 29 ways to catapult your online or
offline biz to much greater profits. It's worth reading
for the tips, for the peek inside one of the most successful
marketers of all time, or just to see all the famous quotes
about Jay - to give you a better idea of who he is and what
he's done.
And best of all, as one of his 'Partners in Profit', I'm
authorized to let you download it free, right now. No
signups, no payments, nada - just hit the link & download:
Perhaps you're one of the lucky ones who's biz is already
doing ok, either online or in the brick & mortar world
(it's still out there, isn't it?) ;)
Or maybe your day job leaves you some cash to feed
into your online endeavors at this point. Either way, check
out the new site launching today, where you can get
Jay's help with your biz for a fraction of his usual lofty fees:
And finally that brings us to the affiliate opportunity
I mentioned. By now you know it's connected to Jay & his
new site, don't you? I knew you were one of the smart ones!
(hey - you read this far didn't you?)
Jay is making some special promises to his affiliates,
whom he refers to as his 'Partners in Profit'. Far more
than just another 2-tier affiliate program, this one will
help You build Your biz too, according to Jay. Go to the
page, scroll down to the bottom, and hit the 'Partners in
Profit' link - you can read all about it there...
So there you have it - as close to something for everyone
as it can get - a free report, a paid service and an affiliate
opportunity, all in one. But no matter what else you do
today, read the report:
(If you'd rather not download it, read it online here:
Have a super day & enjoy the read!
All the best,
Doug Champigny,
Welland, ON, Canada
PS - There's still time to get in on the List Machine giveaway:
And don't forget your free SureFireWealth Silver
membership - use the code 'Doug's Friend' here:
Enjoy! -DC
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