Meet Us Live At JVAlert in Philadelphia!
Reminder: Today is the last day that
Dan B. Cauthron's e-books will be listed
at -
Don't miss them!
Hope you're having a super day, and getting
ready for a fantastic weekend! We got 5" of snow
here in Welland yesterday, but it's bright and
sunny today, so our spirits are high. But that's
not the only reason we feel good - there's a
much bigger reason...
By now, you've most likely heard of
Kenneth A. McArthur and his world-famous
JVAlert Seminars - live events that attract
an amazing rosters of speakers and have helped
thousands of people build their online biz
much faster.
Last month there was a JVAlert Seminar in
Orlando, Florida. Now,Teri & I have never attended
any of the various events, but during the Orlando
seminar, at least 3 of our online friends were there.
Every night we got messages from them of how
great it was, how many people they'd met, and how
much help they'd given and received.
Now, these aren't people who are easily
impressed - all 3 are top-notch online pros
who've seen it all - and are more likely to be
asked for help than be asking for it. So when
Gina Gaudio-Graves, Stuart Halpryn
and James Jackson ALL tell us we HAVE
to get to the next one, we know this isn't
something normal - it has to be great...
So yes - we're going to be at the next JVAlert.
Not as presenters, but as ordinary attendees -
free to meet & greet, wheel & deal and really take
the time to get to know people. And that's what
excites us most about this - the hope that we'll
finally get to meet you and some of the rest of
our online family!
The next JVAlert seminar is in Philadelphia, PA,
on June 23, 24 & 25th. You can read all about it at:
Attend the JVAlert Seminar in Philadelphia!
If you attend, you will learn techniques and
strategies that are doing the trick for the
Big Dogs right now - not last year or the
year before.
And that's another plus - unlike most of these
events, Ken's JVAlert seminars don't require you
to sign over your firstborn - in fact, right now
during his Early-Bird Special period your ticket
includes two more - meaning you can either bring
two more people with you, or share the investment by
each contributing 1/3. But only during the early-bird
period - take a look at how reasonable it is:
JVAlert in Philly is June 23, 24 & 25th
Now I do realize you may not be able to afford it,
or you may not be able to get away then. And I do
apologize if that's the case - I really hope you can
get there to meet us. If so, lock it in now and then
let us know - the tickets for the Orlando event
were all snapped up during the early-bird period,
and there's no reason to assume the JVAlert Seminar
in Philadelphia will be any different.
C'mon down to Philly and meet us in June -
we'd love to finally meet you!
Helping you succeed in 2006...
Doug Champigny,
Welland, ON, Canada
PS - If you still haven't jumped on Willie Crawford's
wedding event yet, the time is now - it's gone
before Monday!
Enjoy your day... DC.
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