Making Money Online With Resell Rights
©2008 Doug Champigny. All Rights Reserved.
So, you're looking to make money online? Lots of money - and quickly? You're not alone - that's the hopes and dreams of thousands of new Internet marketers, niche marketers and affiliate marketers each year.
Most learn in very short order that the fastest way to have products to sell online is with Resell Rights - products you buy that allow you to turn around and resell them from your own site as well.
By using resell rights products, you eliminate the need to create your own products - you simply download the products that you want to sell online on your own sites. But the trouble is there are always a lot of other marketers buying those same resell rights products, and while only 10% of those who buy them will ever actually get them online, that still means competition from those people who are selling those same resell rights products.
So what makes the difference between people making millions of dollars a year online with resell rights products and those who never succeed online? Generally speaking, there are 3 key elements separating the two.
The Three Keys to Resell Rights Success
First and foremost, you have to have great resell rights products and salespages - truly offering great value from a website that converts a good amount of your targeted traffic into buyers;
Secondly, you need to be building an opt-in list from the people viewing your sites, as you already know these people are interested in the types of products you sell on your sites.
And thirdly, you have to learn to drive massive targeted traffic to your salespages, using conventional search engine optimization along with the powerful new Web 2.0 techniques (blogging, social sites, community sites, forums, etc).
While that all sounds pretty simple and basic, take a look at the sites you yourself have online selling resell rights products - are they all great products, truly useful to your online community? Are you building an opt-in list of people interested in buying products with resell rights? And finally, how much effort have you put into promoting those salespages online?
Chances are that little 3-question audit can show you where you're missing out on the massive sales figures and massive profits that some Internet marketers make consistantly from reselling products online - and detail the course of action you need to follow to find your own Resell Rights Success!
Web 2.0 expert Doug Champigny has been using Master Resell Rights products mixed in with his own e-books and services to make hundreds of thousands of dollars online over the last few years. For great resell rights products Doug recommends Resell Rights 2.0 Domination, and for all the info on how to use Web 2.0 tactics to get buyers to your sites see his Massive Traffic Bootcamp.
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Labels: Doug Champigny, Internet marketing, making money online, Master Resell Rights, Resell Rights, resell rights 2.0 domination, Web 2.0
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