Did You Get Your PLR Downloads This Week?
seems that everyone is getting back into their routines,
everything is settling down and the real effort to make
2009 the best year yet is firmly underway. For today, I
wanted to make sure that YOU didn't miss any of these
great downloads this week...
Over Half Gone Already:
So far this week just over half of the PLR licenses to
our unique 'HIS Guide To HER Jewelry' have been snapped
up. A couple of people have asked if the audio version of
this 70-page e-book can be pushed as a physical product
on CD through Kunaki or a similar service - yes, definitely
the audio can be stand-alone as a digital or physical
product or can be bundled with the PDF version. Just be
sure to get your download before they hit the cap and are
taken off the site:
HIS Guide To HER Jewelry
Powerful Launch Yesterday:
Edmund Loh released a full multimedia package, with
videos, audio, powerpoint slideshow & transcript, all
distilled from his recent seminar presentation on
Content Creation Secrets. Watch the video on this page
for more info:
Edmund Loh's Multimedia PLR Bundle
Empowering YOU To Dominate 2009...
Teri Champigny
Author, Finding Profitable Niches
PS - For training in using PLR to convert them to your
own unique products, two of our training kits remain at
the top of your must-have list: the PLR Tutorial Videos
for working with PLR E-Books, & Using PLR Videos
teaches you how to edit & use PLR Videos - make sure that
both are in your digital biz arsenal today!
To your success... TC.
Labels: jewelry, jewelry guide, jewelry niche, new PLR, niche marketing, PLR PLR downloads
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