Affiliate Marketing Manager Jeff Levesque Joins Team Champigny!
Internet marketing specialists Team Champigny today announced that well-known affiliate marketing expert Jeffrey Levesque has joined the world-renowned Team Champigny as their new Affiliate Marketing Manager for all of their 100-plus Internet properties. Levesque, a native of Liberty Hill, Texas, has been a major force behind some of the biggest affiliate marketing successes in Internet marketing history and is best known for providing cutting-edge affiliate marketing training to ensure affiliates make as much money as possible online.
"Too many would-be affiliate marketing managers limit themselves to the role of cheerleaders" says Levesque. "But to provide true value and ensure the success of any affiliate marketing program, first you have to ensure the success of your affiliates. Invest the time to learn every facet of successful affiliate marketing, and then train your affiliate team and sharpen their skills in every area of affiliate marketing - the latest technologies, the latest trends and the tried and trusted methodologies used by successful marketers everywhere, online or off.
The more money your affiliates are making the greater their motivation and loyalty - and the greater your team's success. Teri & Doug Champigny recognize that a great coach is far more valuable than a great cheerleader, and I look forward to coaching the Team Champigny affiliates to even greater successes."
Internet marketing author, mentor and speaker Doug Champigny, who heads up Team Champigny, says of the union: "The timing and synergy provided by this union provides a gestalt that creates a win-win situation for all parties concerned... "
Team Champigny Affiliate Manager Announcement Continues Here...
Labels: affiliate marketing, affiliate marketing manager, affiliate marketing manager Jeffrey Levesque, Doug Champigny, Jeff Levesque, Jeffrey Levesque, Team Champigny, Teri Champigny
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