Take Action Now...
...The LAST day you can get my 'Partner With The Big Dogs'
e-book for just 7 bucks from our site. You
also get the 'Beginners Guide To PHP' bundled with it. They'll
be replaced tomorrrow morning with next week's products, so
download them now while you can still get both for $7.
...The first full day you can download Teri's new e-book,
'Niche Marketing Magic!' It's only available free for a
few days as her way of saying thanks - then it goes to
it's own Niche Marketing Magic site at the regular price...
...The first full day of Jason James' Greedy Giveaway.
With over 100 Free Gifts to choose from, it's a good idea
to get inside and take a look through what's there - while
some of it has been around for a while, there are a great
many that are brand new, and definitely some choice downloads.
You really should take a cruise through it and see what you
can make use of - it's only a 10 day event, after which you'll
need to pay to get most of these that you can just download today.
Empowering YOU & Helping You Make 2008 GREAT...
Doug Champigny
Internet Marketing Blog
Affiliate Marketing Blog
P.S. - And finally, today is the relaunch of a site that
I've used since it first opened, and one of the few I can
truly recommend without any reservation or hesitation at
all - but since it doesn't launch for another 7 hours,
I'll post a quick note about it just before it
goes live, ok?
Helping you succeed... DC.
Labels: free downloads, Free Gifts, free giveaways, Greedy Giveaway, Jason James, niche marketing e-book, Niche marketing magic, Partner With The Big Dogs, Teri Champigny's Niche Marketing Magic
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