Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Best Deal Yet - And 100% Commissions!

Joel Comm, Joel Christopher and Doug Champigny No one knows Opt-In List Building like
Joel Christopher; that's him in the photo
between Joel Comm (left) and myself.

As you can probably tell from the photo, he's a great guy who's fun to be around and always willing to help! But never has he done so much as he's doing right now to help so many people!

You've most likely seen or at least heard of Joel's 12-step Master List Building Plan - it's the reference book of choice among professional Internet Marketers looking to build a huge opt-in list fast. Next to his $1k/month group coaching or $500/hr personal coaching, it's the best way to learn Joel's secrets to tripling your list in 99 days.

But right now, Joel's celebrating his birthday - so he's going to let you download this great audio e-book AND the recent updates to the system for less than Ten Bucks - then give you 100% Affiliate commissions for the balance of his Birthday blowout!

Find out more about this phenomenal offer at http://www.Optin-Influence.com

See you there...

Doug Champigny,
Welland, ON, Canada.

PS - If you want to triple your optin list, download and listen to the audio e-book and the 3-hour teleclass that updates the plan to current conditions. If you're only interested in making some quick cash, join the site and then grab your affiliate link - it's only available to purchasers.

But if you're a truly professional marketer, or striving to be one, download the audios & all the bonuses, send out your new affiliate link, and then listen to the audios. Next, throw the audios onto CD and listen to them again and again - at home, in the car, while jogging, etc, until you know them word for word and the system has been absorbed into your subconcious. Making list-building a part of your whole though process is going to give you a huge boost in your online biz. So get started right now by downloading YOUR Master List Building Plan from


To your success... DC

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Monday, September 18, 2006

Liz Tomey is a Hoot!

Internet Marketers Teri Champigny (left) with Liz Tomey

Internet Marketers Teri Champigny (left) and Liz Tomey
at the Internet Marketing Main Event II in Baltimore, Sept 2006.

Well, we just got back from Baltimore, where
Mike Filsaime was holding his fantastic live
event, the Internet Marketing Main Event II.
Congrats Mike - the event was a smashing

The focus for Teri & I was to meet up with the
members of our 'inner circle' - Bill & Gina
Gaudio-Graves, Mike Steup, Jeff Dedrick,
Louis Burleson, etc; to visit with our online
friends like Joel Comm, Joel Christopher,
Ken McArthur, Chris Lockwood and
John Terry; and to finally meet with people
we've JV'd with a number of times yet never
had the good fortune to meet live, like
Gary Ambrose, Brian Edmondson, and
especially Liz Tomey & Jamie Bing!

As you've probably guessed, Liz and Jamie
are a hoot! We've waited a long time to meet
them, even though we've become close friends
online and been in a number of JV's together.
In fact, in Jeff Dedrick's Secret Page Spy JV,
Teri & Liz were the only women to finish in
the top 20 - the only ones in the top 50,
according to Jeff...

We knew we'd have fun together - but we had
no idea how much - if you ever have a chance
to meet Liz & Jamie, be SURE to give it top
priority - they're even more fun in person than
they are online!

As well as hanging out together at Jeff's VIP
party, the event hotel on Saturday and dinner
with the gang at a crab restaurant Saturday
night, we even had breakfast with them
privately on Saturday and Sunday morning!

I can't reveal all we talked about there, but I
can tell you I'll be bringing you info about two
huge launches for Liz over the next couple
of months, and they have nothing to do with
Gumby or Elvis! ;)

And that's the true 'secret' power of these
live events. Yes, the presentations are great
and you can learn a lot. But nothing is as
powerful as the networking you can do there
and the incredible Joint Ventures you can
join or put together there in minutes - rather
than taking months of e-mailing to HOPE
someone powerful like Liz, Gina or the rest
of our gang might pay attention. We never
intentionally ignore anyone, but with our
schedules we can't possibly take on the JV
requests we receive every day - so talking
to us about it in person puts you WAY ahead
of the pack!

The next major event you should attend is
JVAlert in San Diego next month:

JVAlert - Be There In Person!

Teri & I will not be at that one, unfortunately,
due to our own launches this fall and some
commitments to our inner circle and other JV
partners - but there WILL be a ton of other
high-powered online personalities to rub
shoulders with and you'll be able to jump
WAY up the ladder with the new friends and
contacts you'll make there.

Here's an Insider's Tip for you - do you want
a chance to meet Liz and Jamie, Gina & Bill,
Mike, Jeff, Louis, and Teri & me all at once,
live & in person? Plus some 'inner circle' people
you've never before had a chance to meet, like
Joel Osborne and Xavier Nelson? Then
start making plans right now to meet us all
at JVAlert in Orlando in February '07.

It hasn't been officially announced yet, nor have
a firm date & location been announced - but the
minute our buddy & Seminar Host Extraordinaire
Ken McArthur told us it was in the planning, our
gang all signed on to attend.

Why? Well, you'd have to attend one of his JVAlert
seminars to really 'get' it, but Ken always works
tirelessly to make sure the event is perfect, that
everything goes smoothly, and that every single
attendee gets everything they'd hoped for and

In fact, if you only attend ONE live seminar in
2007, BE SURE it's a JVAlert event! 'Nuff said!

Now, if we can only convince Ken that 8am really
doesn't exist to true Internet marketers... ;)

So if you can swing it, start by attending JVAlert
in San Diego in October - but either way, BE SURE
to be at JVAlert Orlando in February to join in on
our fun & games!

JVAlert In San Diego - October 2006

For updates on all of our upcoming live appearances,
be sure to stop by MeetDougAndTeri.com
on a regular basis for updates, ok?

To Your Success,

Doug Champigny,
Welland, ON, Canada.

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