Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Go Pro 9 - Growing Your Online Biz...

Today is the last day of January, the first
month of the year gone. How has the month
been for you? For your online biz? Has your
online biz GROWN this month?

One thing that makes our blog different from
most is we don't try to show you how to make
bucks right this instant most times, but rather
how to grow your biz and make more

And that's a big difference. For example, maybe
you jumped on board a dimesale affil program and
sent it out; chances are you moved a few units and
made some bucks. Right? So what now? You see, if
instead you'd picked up something with master resell
rights and put it online, then pushed that, you'd have
made some bucks then too...

But you'd still own that site and that resource!
Your virtual real estate would have grown, and
even if it only moves a unit or two a month on it's
own, it would still add to your returns each month
for some time to come, with no interference with
your next project. See the difference? Each made
you some bucks, but only one grew your biz.

Look at the people bringing in huge bucks from
AdSense; do you think any of them has one site?
Two Sites? Fifty sites? Some have as many as 500
and more sites, each bringing in a few bucks a month.
No wonder your 5 or 10 AdSense sites aren't bringing
in what they make! Even if each site brought in a
hundred bucks a month, it would still take a hundred
sites to make a 6 figure amount from it each year.

Over the next year we're going to triple the number
of sites we have online, double the size of our online
family, and (hopefully) double our net returns, something
we've done 3 years running. We have our next 21 sites
already planned and the names booked. We have 5 JV's
lined up right now, and will probably put 5-10 more
together at JVAlertin Orlando next month.

How about you? Are you ready to grow your
biz? Are you heading in that direction each day,
each week, each month, without exception? Don't
try to grow at our speed yet - we probably have
resources and contacts you haven't made yet -but
you will if you stay with it - rest assured of that.

So what's the easiest way to make sure you're
growing your biz continually? Using those times
when you're not busy to increase your number
of Adsense sites online. It's quick, doesn't require
a lot of outlay, and is residual - once it's there, all
you need to do is add an article or two from time
to time.

Here's the two resources we use to do just that:

a) XSitePro. I've mentioned it a few times lately
because it's the best I've found for this. Plus, I know
a lot of our online family already have it, so that makes
this easier for you. If you're not already using it,
download it here:

b) Articles. The beauty of XSitePro is it can crank
out site after site from articles you write, have
ghostwritten, or have PLR rights to, like the ones at this week.

Question is, what's the quickest and easiest
way to be sure there's always some waiting
when you have a few minutes to throw together
another site? So today I'll show you one of our
'secret' weapons - and yes, I lay down hard-earned
bucks for this site, happily, every month.

You know we're close friends with Gina Gaudio Graves
and her husband Bill, right? What you may not know is that
Gina is not simply an Internet lawyer and the top JV Broker -
she also runs an awesome site we couldn't be without.

Every month, we download 450 articles and
some e-books, all unique & created for the site -
along with 3 PLR MOVIES each month. How
cool is that? But lets just look at the articles for
today. Every day you could add 15 pages to a
site, with your adsense code, and put it online
in about an hour a day. But you won't - neither
do we. But we DO put two new adsense sites
online almost every week, or one big one, or a
normal one and add a few articles to the existing
ones. So our biz grows - every month.

Maybe you don't want to use that much time - say
you just devote an hour a week to Adsense - you'll still
add 4 15-page sites a month online. And the other 390
articles? Put them together into e-books, or just bundle
them and resell them -Yes, Resell them - you have full
resell rights to them all!

Want a biz that grows every month like ours?
Willing to put a bit of elbow grease into a better
tomorrow? Then get in now before the cap is
reached - meet us there now:

Helping you succeed in 2007 and beyond...

Doug Champigny,
Welland, ON, Canada

PS - If the outlay for both is too high for right now,
grab XSitePro today, then start with the 650 articles
we have for you at:

When bucks are a little looser in a week or so, then
get into 2PLR - hopefully there'll still be a few spots
left. Just be sure you have XSitePro, because even if
you write your own content, it's the tool you want to
build those article sites. See why here:

To your success... DC.

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Monday, January 29, 2007

Go Pro 8 - Using PLR Correctly...

Because there's already 650 PLR articles
waiting for you to download today at

I was going to tell you about a great PLR site
I belong to and get a number of new PLR articles
from each month, but I decided to send that to you
tomorrow, since it's important you know what to do
with PLR articles first.

One of the beauties of PLR is that you didn't spend
time researching the subject, didn't have to write them,
etc. So in that way they're better than those you wrote
yourself. But there's an important caveat that goes with

Other people get those same articles - some because
the author or site sell them to a lot of people, others
like the ones at SevenBucks have master resell rights,
so you'll be reselling them shortly after you download

It's no secret that Google drives the majority of
traffic from the engines right now. Well, they don't
like a lot of duplicate content gumming up their listings,
so they have a filter to keep exact duplicates out - and
that includes your PLR articles. It's no big deal if you're
putting them on a busy site, but if you're counting on
traffic from the search engines, you need to do a bit to
make them unique.

So first off, use this tool to see if ANY article you
have is unique - this is a FREE download:

Article Recon - Free Download

That's a gift from my friend Jahn, and it checks one
article at a time to see if it's already online anywhere.
There's an upgrade to PRO if you're going to be using a
lot of articles, and it checks a whole folder of them at
once. It will also bring up yours and theirs side-by-side,
and as you change yours it tells you what percent is
unique. If you're dabbling at articles, use the one for
no outlay on your part. If you're using them regularly,
be sure to take the upgrade.

If you don't want to take the time to change each
article yourself, or don't feel you have the writing skills,
another powerful tool will do it for you - we got into this
site last February, and simply love it! Get details here:

Jeff Dedrick's Secret Article Converter

So what now? You've checked the content, made those
unique that needed it - what do you do next? Well, you
can use XSitePro to put together an AdSense site - like
the ones I showed you last week. Check out the video on
all the stuff XSitePro will do when you:

Download XSitePro Today!

Then, be sure to put some of the newly-unique articles
into the article directories with your resource box and
link back to your own site - this is one of the most
powerful ways to get traffic, brand yourself and
raise your PR at the search engines. There are two
easy ways to do this...

If you have the time, use a pro submitter like the one
we have for you here:

Submit Your Articles Using My Article Submitter

It comes pre-loaded with over 100 article directories you
can send your articles to, and you can add more as you
find them. But if time is of the essence, here's a pro
that will do it for you - higher outlay, but takes
a lot less of your time:

Have Your Articvles Professionally Submitted For You!

In summary, if you have MORE TIME THAN BUCKS, use:

Article Recon

XSitePro and

My Article Submitter ;

But if you have MORE BUCKS THAN TIME, use:

Article Recon

Secret Article Converter

XSitePro and

Professional Article Submission Services

Helping you succeed in 2007 and beyond...

Doug Champigny,
Welland, ON, Canada

PS - No matter which route you choose, don't forget to
start by downloading your 650 PLR articles with
Master Resell Rights from:

To your success... DC.

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