Tuesday, May 10, 2005

How To Get Started Online...

Welcome Back!

Let me start today by saying a big 'Thank You' to all
of those who participated in the 8Days event - you made
it a smashing success for us & we truly appreciate it! For
all the moms in our online family, hope Mothers' Day
was spectacular for you!

It was certainly nice for Teri & I, especially since it's
the first year none of the kids are living at home. It was
really nice to have two of our kids, Tara & Devon, home for
the weekend, and to go see Teri's mom with them on Sunday.
We ended up putting over 800 miles on the Subaru over the
weekend, but it was worth it - everyone had a super time!

By the way, if you're going to be visiting the beautiful
Niagara Falls area at any point this summer, be sure to
let us know - we'd love to join you for a coffee if our
schedule permits...

Today I want to start answering the most common question
we receive - 'how do I get started online?' It's easy to fire off
some pat answer, but I want to let you know some of the
options and considerations involved. Even if you're already
doing well online, the review will probably open up some
new ideas for you.

To start with, there is no one answer to this - it depends in
large part on your own circumstances. For one thing, it's like
any other biz - you'll have to invest money and time.
The two are inversely related - the more you can apply of one,
the less you need of the other for the most part.

Then, you'll have to decide what fits your personality and
experience best. If you love dealing with people and are
reasonably comfortable with your writing skills, you'll want
to publish an e-zine. If not, pre-written e-courses or
autoresponder series are the route to go...

And, of course, you'll want a Blog - there is simply no
faster way to promote your site or affiliate links than by
posting to your blog and then pinging the directories. If you
haven't already set one up, you're missing a big chunk of your
online potential, no matter what field you're in. Remember
you can always get our free guide at http://www.super-bloggers.com

Before you even get started, here is the most important
piece of information I can give you: if you're not already
well off financially, do not give up your day job to start
online. There's a popular myth going around that you can
get your full-time income going right away online. People
buy into it out of frustration with their current situation, and
are then disillusioned further when it doesn't work out.

Unless you have ten or twenty grand to invest in your new
venture and sufficient resources to live on for 3 - 6 months,
sorry but it just ain't gonna happen. Short of that, stay with
your current situation & get started part time. Use what you
can from that to help you get your online efforts going quicker.

If, on the other hand, you're already at home all day and
don't have a full-time income, you might want to invest most
of your time into your online efforts. Do not get into it when
everything is incredibly tight - find another source of income
offline & reduce the pressure, then start into it.

If this seems wrong to you, stop and think for a minute.
This is a business we're talking about - YOUR business. If
you wanted to open a store, how much would it take? How about
a franchise? In that situation you'd expect to shell out 25k - 500k,
right? Online you can cut those amounts by 90% probably - but
that's still 2.5k - 50k. It can be as little as a few hundred at first
and maybe 50 - 100 each month from there on - as long as you
can wait to get much back from it.

But have a plan in mind before you start, and stick to it.
Otherwise you'll find yourself signed up for a bunch of stuff,
out more than you intended to spend, and have nothing really
working for you yet. It really is frustrating when you hit that
point, and more give up then than any other time. Avoid it by
being well informed about what's available and deciding your
next few steps BEFORE you get started - or at least
before you go any further.

Later this week I'll start showing you some of the proven
ways to proceed from where you are now, based on your
situation, goals and talents. Don't despair - no matter
what your current situation, there are prudent paths to
follow. If you'll let me, I'll show them to you and help you
get moving in the direction that's right for you...

Until then, have a super week and remember to read - it's
probably the most valuable use of your online time right now.
Read everything you can put your hands on to do with the type
of biz you want to build online... See you later in the week!

All the best,

Doug Champigny
Welland, ON, Canada.


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