Product Creation For Marketing Domination
We take great pride in knowing our recent plr releases will help a lot of people, hopefully you too, to take their online biz up a notch by giving them great products to brand themselves all over the Internet. The progression we've seen for most successful Internet marketers is:
Affiliate Marketing > Selling MRR Products > Converting & Selling PLR Products > Selling Their Own Products
But often the hardest transition is the one from using PLR to create your own products to actually creating your own products from scratch. But this new Product Creation Success guide, released just this morning, should be a big help there...
By now you know that our good freind and neighbour Joel Osborne created the graphics for our recent PLR launches. While we could easily do them ourselves, at our level there just isn't time to do everything yourself, and Joel's an expert at it. But what you may not know is that Joel is also an expert at product creation and, in fact, ran a membership site delivering new e-books to people for quite some time.
Today he released his newest e-book, Product Creation Success, and bundled it with Lightning Fast Product Creation Tactics and Info Product Creation Success, two other e-books on the subject by other authors. It's a great package - the only mistake I think he made was setting the outlay too low - he's giving all three e-books WITH MRR and salespages for each, for just $17 - I certainly would have asked more for so much valuable information. After all, if you don't make enough money from your online efforts, how can you go on helping people online?
If you're not already producing your own products, you NEED the Product Creation Success Package. If you are, you'll WANT it both for review and for pointers you may have been missing out on til now. Either way, this is a must-have bundle - so download your Product Creation Success Package now!
Empowering YOU To Dominate 2009...
Doug Champigny
Internet Marketing with Doug Champigny
PS - There aren't a lot of the PLR bundles left at the PLR Spectacular site - only 30 copies between the two bundles right now. If you STILL don't have your copy, better grab yours today.
Helping you succeed... DC.
Labels: dominating niches, Internet marketing, marketing, marketing domination, niche marketing, online success, work-at-home success
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