Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Best New Opt-In Resource...

Welcome back, my friend!

Happy St. Paddy's Day to you and yours! Don't forget to
send your free St Patricks Day e-cards from our site at

Do us both a favour - stay away from the green beer, ok? ;)

So how's everything going, friend? We're 10 weeks into
the new year so far - is it shaping up to be better than
last year? Or the same old, same old?

If it's not looking any better this year than last, may I
suggest it may be partly due to a lack of action on your
part - maybe largely because of?

Now before you get upset, think about it for a minute.
This is good ol' fun-loving Doug here, so you know I'm not
getting down on you or criticizing you - as always, I'm
sincerely trying to help you here...

You see, two days ago I told you about the hottest new
list building site to come down the pipe in years:

It warmed my heart to see about a hundred of you get in
there right away - if you log into your account there right
now you'll see your list is already building, even if you've
done nothing but sign up. Start spreading the news - get
even more people into it - 1,700 joined the first day alone!

What makes me sad, friend, is that that was 100 out of
almost 7,000 people who received the heads-up from me.
Meaning 6,900 didn't put in the effort to make this a better
year for themselves - even when it was being given to them
for free. Tell me you were part of the first group, friend - that
you took action to improve your lot.

Tell me that you're not going to settle for another year
like last year - or worse. Show me that you're going to make
this your breakout year - that you're going to be a winner!
Show me you'll take action to acheive your own dreams!

For the past month I've been giving you a lot of info
on how to build your list, and why it's mandatory to build
it as soon as possible. I know it was well-received - no other
series I've written received such overwhelmingly-positive
feedback, or so many requests for missed issues.

(If you did miss any, they're archived here on our blog)

So if you know how important it is, if you understand that
our list is the ONLY reason Teri and I have done more
biz so far this year than in 5 months last year, why would
you even hesitate to jump on an opportunity like this?

Then again, friend, I know you were probably one
of the 100 - you're the type to stay in control of your
life and exploit the best opportunities as they come
along - after all, you did join us here, didn't you? ;)

Like I said. Smart.

See you there!

All the best,

Doug Champigny
Welland, ON, Canada.

PS - Make sure it's all looked after today, ok? And let
others know using your link. You'll want your time
clear this weekend to check out a report I'm releasing
on how to have your own blog online in 2 hours, giving
you all the SEO & other benefits that go with it...

See you in a couple of days... DC.


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